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Help.. Classic 4dr Turbo

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My friend has got a 4dr UK Turbo, and all the glass is marked......

He wants to get the windows tinted, however, he isnt wanting to get the scratch marked windows done as they will show the marks through the tint film, is this right??

If so, where would he get replacement glass quickly, and for much cheapness in Scotland?? Any ideas how much hes lookin at for replacement door glass for all 4 doors??

Thanks in advance. face-icon-small-smile.gif




Hello mate, Im serious here so dont think Im taking the pi$$! You may be able to polish it out with brasso and a yellow duster. I had a clio Williams and scratched the window pretty badly. A friend took the scratch out with brasso and a cloth. I was gobsmacked! Its also good for taking scratches out of watches, glass obviously, not plastic.

Top tip troops, you heard it here first!! face-icon-small-wink.gif


I got dark tints and scratches! face-icon-small-sad.gif

Ultra common problem with the frameless design. I did think of trying 'jewellers rouge' but I can just about live with it!!!!

The film goes on the inside and the scratches are on the outside though. He could get the job done and try and buff the affected area out?

It would be interesting to hear the results.


Thanks a lot for the replies guys, and Merry Christmas to you all!! face-icon-small-smile.gif

I'll pass the info onto my friend.... He's been wanting tints for the past year, however he's been too lazy to do anything about the scratches on his glass first. face-icon-small-shocked.gif

If/When he manages to get off his lazy ass and have a go at the marks I'll post pics of before and after for you to see how well it comes out.



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