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scoobyball 4

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I've been advised by dougster to post this message here, rather than scoobynet, so hope you all get to see this face-icon-small-smile.gif

After attending the excellent scoobyball 3 this year in february, organised by salsa-king, he has now bowed out of organising #4, so I've taken up the reins. The event will be a black tie dinner, disco, entertainer and maybe a charity auction. I am hoping to get someone from the subaru world to come as guest of honour (I've approached Richard Burns management company, no reply as yet!)

The event will be held in the manchester area on the 5th march 2005. I need an idea of numbers, so I can sort out a suitable hotel, and plan the day.

Could you please visit this page on scoobynet just to put your name on the list, so I can get the ball rolling. Salsa-king planned it in a year, I've got 5 months! face-icon-small-sad.gif

Thanks, and I hope you can make it.

See you on the "raid across the border" in november face-icon-small-smile.gif


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