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Ayrshire Meet

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All right folks, I am looking to start organising a monthly meet around Ayrshire, I am new to the

Subaru clan so I don't know how many members are in the area.

Please let me know if you would be interested and if you have any suggestions for

Location, Monkton Lodge ? Q8 garage at Kilmarnock or Gailes Lodge in Irvine to name a few.




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Hi Malky,

Welcome aboard m8,a monthly ayrshire meet sounds good. Monkton Lodge would suit me,not to sure about Q8 at Killie as there's not much room for parking IMOface-icon-small-happy.gif

Why not set a date & see what happens?

You could also try posting on scoobynet, it's a lot busierface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif



Wednesday 8th September, 7.30pm at the carpark in front of the Horizon Hotel in Ayr (down the sea front).

Plenty of space for parking and if its a bit wet then you get a drink in the bar.

Please add to the list if you intend to come along.

Malky - WRX STI Type UK

Andy - Jap WRX


<< Wednesday 8th September, 7.30pm at the carpark in front of the Horizon Hotel in Ayr (down the sea front).

Plenty of space for parking and if its a bit wet then you get a drink in the bar.

Please add to the list if you intend to come along.

Malky - WRX STI Type UK

Andy - Jap WRX >>



<< Wednesday 8th September, 7.30pm at the carpark in front of the Horizon Hotel in Ayr (down the sea front).

Plenty of space for parking and if its a bit wet then you get a drink in the bar.

Please add to the list if you intend to come along.

Malky - WRX STI Type UK

Andy - Jap WRX >>

As mentioned on the other thread in the other place .....face-icon-small-wink.gif

Ayrton Senna is a bit of grief if travelling from afar would the Monkton Lodge not be a better idea as it has easier access for all directions

Would like to head down but not if i have to fight ma way into the town



Have to agree with Grant,not the easiest access if your from out of town plus all those horrendous speed bumps & the beach front is usually very busy with boy racers.Alternatively,those that don't know the town centre too well could meet at Monkton Lodge then be escorted(convoy) to Horizon Hotelface-icon-small-smile.gif

Just a thought,cheers



<< Have to agree with Grant,not the easiest access if your from out of town plus all those horrendous speed bumps & the beach front is usually very busy with boy racers.Alternatively,those that don't know the town centre too well could meet at Monkton Lodge then be escorted(convoy) to Horizon Hotelface-icon-small-smile.gif

Just a thought,cheers

Del >>

As in a Police escort, flashing lights and all ......... face-icon-small-smile.gif


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