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Oxford Meet

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Sounds like a plan! Any thoughts on where/when?

We often do a mid-week meet in lechlade which is usually a laugh if that suits? Wouldn't take much to organise one :)


lechlade isn't too far for me as i'm in Gloucester and being a newbie i would be up for meeting other members.


Im thinking meet in cloucester and have a nics drive over thame way there are some nice roads on that route pub lunch on the way or even set up some dyno runs at btec in oxford?

just need some dates and numbers i dont mind setting it all up i may get rich from ph tuning to join us too


Im thinking meet in cloucester and have a nics drive over thame way there are some nice roads on that route pub lunch on the way or even set up some dyno runs at btec in oxford?

just need some dates and numbers i dont mind setting it all up i may get rich from ph tuning to join us too

sounds good to me :-)


come on boys dates numbers????

do we want me to have a chet with btec and book the dyno and get some prices dep on numbers???


will have a chat with btec today and get some prices and see what discount he will give us if a few turn up i will also look at pubs and a nice route if the dyno is to much we could allways just have a nice run on some twisty roads and a pub lunch in thame the bottle and glass in jibriltar nr thame its a nice pub good food

i thinking if we meet in the am somewere in glos then drive the route to the pub for lunch have a chat look at the cars and then we can just move home from there should be a nice day if we want the dyno day i think meet in glos and then drive to btec pack lunch there????????

let me know :rolleyes:


Gloucester to Thame? I think that's a longer drive than most will be prepared to do in my experience - that's hours rather than minutes.

My suggestion would be to start with a smaller run, more central to one area. The Kidlington > Burford runs we used to do worked well as you had a pub that did food either end and the driving time, through twisty b roads, was about 20/25 mins - the a40 for two hours isn't a terribly exciting prospect if I'm honest.

I'm not knocking your enthusiasm, I just think that you'll need to do a run near Gloucester and/or a run near Thame so as to not end up costing people hundreds in fuel/expenses :)


Yeah this sounds groovy, even more with a possible dyno run too. I need to get mine dyno'd at some point and this could do it all in one dayout :)




this thread has gone a bit quiet.....anyone aranging anything?, if not, anyone fancy meeting at Burford or somewhere pretty soon?


My local car club "www.freshadditions.co.uk" do regular monthly meets on the 3rd Sunday of each month at the Fair Acers retail park in Abingdon. We've been getting about 100-120 cars turn up and a handful of Scoobies. There is plenty of room and we have permission to be there from the owners of the retail park and the Police are on board too.

Why not start coming along to get the Subaru numbers up and it's a good chance to just meet people from different car scenes. We have a good mix of JDM , French :barf: , MG's and VAG stuff. As a club we do a lot of stuff together like the big Jap and modified shows , Karting days and dyno days. Anyone from the SIDC would always be welcome to come along as a couple of us who own Impreza's are also members on here. It might make it easier for people to get to as it's always on , so no matter how few or how many from here turn up , there will always be people there to chat to and cars to look at. Also the cars we get are proper enthusiast cars and it does not matter if your in a 911 or in a 206 GTi , everyone is equal , it's just owning an Impreza makes you more equal than others ( espcally the Evo's :rotfl: )

I hope I'm not overstepping the line with this and I apologise to any of the SIDC staff if I have. One of our goals in FA ( Freshadditions ) is to have a good working relationship with other car clubs / forums as possible , so when it comes to big regional shows meets , we can always get a great turn out of good quality cars.


My local car club "www.freshadditions.co.uk" do regular monthly meets on the 3rd Sunday of each month at the Fair Acers retail park in Abingdon. We've been getting about 100-120 cars turn up and a handful of Scoobies. There is plenty of room and we have permission to be there from the owners of the retail park and the Police are on board too.


Will come and say hello properly next time.

Good crowd but unfortunately any crowd of cars attracts phone calls about displaying... just please everyone take their rubbish home with them!


We normally wait till everyone is gone and start picking up stuff ourselves. TBH it's nice have the police come round as it stops the chavs from turning up to these things and just gives the rest of us peace of mind.


Am up for a meet depending on when and where - I'm not back from work until 7:30 but will do my best to make it if/when a meet is arranged :)

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