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glasgow meets

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As newly appointed ro for glasgow i want to see if people want any changes to how things have gone before, for example we have people that come to the runs from all over the strathclyde region i was maybe thinking about having alternative meeting points to make it fairer and easier to get to, or leave it as it is.

traditionally the meets have been the first thursday of the month again keep this as is or different week day , different week or weekend even .

Please let me know as this is your club and i want members to get maximum enjoyment and benefit. If you dont want to post on the forum with any ideas then feel free to fling a message my way.




Good idea Kenny

From my point of view you could alternate the meets between Hillington and say the Showcase at Ballieston. I have no problem getting to Hillington especially with the new M74 but I always feel you are limited to heading west on the M8 from there, perhaps there are other options (the Tunnel excepted of course - it's a given!!). As for the days, see what the people want - you can't please them all :)

Good luck chap - when's the first meet?? ;)


I think alternate meeting places is ideal, it gives more of an opertunity to get out, by the time i finish work gettin to the other side of the city( i stay in bellshill) is a major hassle.


mine back nest few weeks

so defitley up for meets that arranged outwith working days

be good to meet up with some guyys

where do you typically go for runs or you just meet and blab for the night?

whats a typical meet consist of?


usually go for runswhen the nights are a bit longer/weathers a bit better but we try not to mention specific routes or roads on the forum in case big brothers watching ;)

moving the meets around is definitely a good idea Kenny and from my point of view the odd weekend meet would give me a chance to pop along as thursdays im usually the arse end of nowhere!


Try to encourage some Subaru’s along!! First three cars at the last meet were a Merc, an Audi and a Toyota! :lol:

Traditionally, the Glasgow meets have always been on the 1st Thursday or each month at Hillington. In their heyday when we used to see in excess of 20 cars and I think the regularity of the meets helped in this as you always knew when it was on whether you were on the forum or not.

Now, there are a smaller number who regularly make it along to meets. Most are forum regulars plus you have Facebook etc these day too (must find everyone on FB!) so pretty sure the message about a different location for example would get about ok if announced early. Probably makes sense to move the meet about. Maybe alternate between Hillington and Baillieston or something and hopefully encourage more folk long. Appreciate Hillington doesn’t always suit those from more far flung locations. For most of us in the west, it would only be an extra 10 mins or so along the M8/M74.

I would still stick with the established date though (1st Thursday) and make sure folk know to check the location for each month.

Beyond that, I am looking forward to some good runs in the summer. Faslane Road is a must but alternating meets could open up some different runs on the other side of Glasgow as Badbaz suggests? Summer BBQ run is always good but would a weekend be better? Make it easier for those who don’t have enough time after work to get through in time for a BBQ on the Thursday evening? In fact, what about the odd weekend meet in the summer, maybe in conjunction with other areas, in additional to the regular Thursday nights?

Winter meets? Not much you can do. The odd tunnel run, convoy through to other area meets, bowling etc?

Well done Kenny for stepping up and I hope you get a decent attendance over the next few meets. :icon_salut::Scottish-flag:


Thanks james , the bbq is one area i will be looking at once ive done my homework .In times of past when the big nimbers turned up for the meets that was a fair one to keep it as was, but now its a different member group and with petrol prices being crazy at the moment from a personel point of view this has kept me away from some of the meets, so i think different approaches have got to be adopted to try and get a sensible numbers back in their cars and back to the meets, whether that be shorter mileage runs , different locations or we just hijack a shell tanker .


  On 09/02/2012 at 17:14, wrx kenny said:

Thanks james , the bbq is one area i will be looking at once ive done my homework .In times of past when the big nimbers turned up for the meets that was a fair one to keep it as was, but now its a different member group and with petrol prices being crazy at the moment from a personel point of view this has kept me away from some of the meets, so i think different approaches have got to be adopted to try and get a sensible numbers back in their cars and back to the meets, whether that be shorter mileage runs , different locations or we just hijack a shell tanker .


Or one of our very own in his Tesco tanker? :Scottish-flag:

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