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Knockhill Today

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My self & young Gaz went up & used our vouchers for the rally experience today & had a bit of a laugh, the cars are standard 2.0l 4WD subaru's, 5 laps clockwise then 5 anti clockwise, then one with the instructor driving who cheated & used the hand brake for entertainment value, due to the size & set up of the track you never get out of 2nd gear but it's good fun, would have loved to take the RA round as it's a lot more powerful & better equipped.

It's quite expensive £175 when you consider you can play at Kames all day for £40

Edited by bobbyc
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Did the rally experience a few years back, when they still used the all Ford RWD Sierras, looks like they have extended the course since then. Think it was about £115 then for 3 drives and an extra one with the instructor. £175 is rather steep now. Still looks good fun mate.

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Did this last year too and thought it was overpriced, plus i had 2 other cars out at the same time as me and they were considerably slower so i kept having to stop and wait as they wouldn't let us past. Got to the end and the instructor said "well done, now i'll take you round in a hot lap" To which i replied "is that it? do i not get any more laps" I felt somewhat cheated by it all and the instructor crashed off

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I did this years ago in the xr4 sierras along with 4 or 5 different cars on the track, think the whole thing came to circa £250 or something. xr2, mgf, Formula ford, I forget the other one.

There wasn't NEARLY enough time to get any feel for it .. and I think we only got 2 downhill runs! (not laps, IIRC)

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