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Santa Cruise Raffle Tickets

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Last change for paypal tickets.

You can still buy tickets tomorrow night at Peter's but have to close the purchase by Paypal tonight.

£1 per ticket or £5 for a Strip.

Simply send me a PM I'll send my email address.

Then go to your paypal account or create one, send your money along with a note of your forum name and address to send the tickets to. Please ticket the gift box to save us incurring any fees/charges.

All tickets will be entered into the draw at the Charity Meal at Peter's (FAI17).

Prizes can be collected or we'll sort out delivery through the SIDC network (anyone going to?)

Hopefully another couple of good prizes to be added.


Edited by STI Pretender
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  • 2 weeks later...

Can't believe how many great prizes we have this year.

Raffle Prize List:

1. A meal for two is donated by Kwang Tung

2. A 1 1/2litre of Smirnoff Vodka is donated by Fai17

3. A Meercat back box is donated by Wullie @ Meercat Exhaust

4. A service to the value of £150 is donated by Bill Greer @ Greersport

5. A Roger Clark Motorsport fleece in red or black is donated by Tom Hayes @ Roger Clark Motorsport

6. A £50 discount voucher is donated by Harvey Smith

7. A Full Alignment for scoobies only is donated by Duncan@Hypertec

8. A Power Run for scoobies only is donated by Duncan@Hypertec

9. A Oil Service using Prolong Engine Oil And gen oil filter for scoobies only is donated by Duncan@Hypertec

10. A prize is being done by Alyn@ASPerformance

11. A prize is being done woth Mark @ Lateral Performance

12. A prize is being done with Chy @ Pennine Subaru

13. A bottle of Malt is donated by ED209

14. A bottle of Smirnoff Vodka is donated by Des

15. A bottle of Macallan fine oak highland single malt whiskey 10 years old by Terzo Neil

16. A bottle of Malt is donated by Bobbyc

17. A 1/18 scale model Rally Impreza by Billy Mason

18. A bottle of alcholic drink is donated by McTwist

19. A t-shirt with the logo santa cruz in blue/white is donated by Kennyuk300

20. A t-shirt with the logo santa cruz in white/blue is donated by Kennyuk300

21. A winter car detailing is donated by C WRX

22. A bottle of Morgans rum donated by Midnight21

23. A 25L drum of Meth is donated by Jac

24. A bottle of Malt is donated by WRX Kenny

25. A bottle of Moet & Chandon Champagne is donated by Burgy51

26. A prize is being done by Lorna@ S & S Services

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  • 2 weeks later...

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