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Cambridge Curry Night, December 1st

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As threatened at the last meeting, I've decided to organise (?) another curry. The traditional last-Tuesday-of-the-month is a problem for me, so it will be:

Date: Tuesday 1st December

Time: 19:00

Venue: the Maharajah, Castle Hill (9-13 Castle Street, Cambridge, CB3 0AH) This is the usual venue for those who have been before.

Parking: the public car park on Castle Hill (turn off by the Isaac Newton pub) or Shire Hall. Both are free after 17:00. To find the public car park on Google Maps, enter CB3 0RD. The car park is those trees just left of the pin. If you need further joining/finding instructions,. post them here. the event is open to anyone in the area as long as I know you're coming. Wives/husbands/SOs etc welcome. Please sign up below and include at least the numbers of everyone attending - I need to book this a few days ahead.


1) Meridian










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