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New Block Or Rebuild Old One

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Hi guys, my old scoob was recently tested to get an idea on how it is fairing after now clocking over 186,000 miles, the results that came back were that although the oil pressures were fine all 4 of the cylinder compressions were down by a similar ammount. I guess this has happened over a period of time and to be expected. The car itself is running fine, for an old girl, and hasn't let me down so far, but it would be nice to get back the lost power.

I have looked at the route of getting a new short block, fitting that and keeping the car going, but that gives me the original power back from day 1 plus the mods currently fitted. I was pondering on another route of having the engine rebuilt, keeping the same block but replacing all the internals but to get some sort of stroker kit? to give me more power but wasnt too sure if that was a lengthier route.

My missus has offered a 3rd route of another car, but i can't get rid of this motor, too much fun has been had to get rid, not to mention the time and money to move the current mods and upgrades over.

Would i be better going for the new short block and get some mapping done to get the extra torque and horses or keep the block and replace the internals??




Unless you know of somewhere that would build your engine for you the replacement block would be a cheaper option, I went down the rebuild road with my Sti and it cost a fortune :boldblue:

Cheers Iain


Thanks for the replies guys, I think i'll perhaps stick with my original plan...but when you get an idea in your head all common sense kind of goes out the window. :)

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