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Power Steering Reservoir Leaking!

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I changed my pump not so long ago and split the old one as the tank was in btr nick and there was just an o ring between the 2 which is worth a try.

Mine was from a 93 1.8 gl and i have a 95 STi and it cost £35 from the local scrappy only difference is the shape of the reservoir as some are square and some round.

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  • 4 months later...

Right folks wee problem!! The power steering reservoir on my wagon was still leaking so took it off to check and whilst doing so spilt the fluid!!!! ;) I thought I had the tank emptied before removing!!

Anyway have steam cleaned the engine bay and dont see any signs of it on top but it obviously fell onto the exhaust/heat shield and now when I take the car out its smoking bad from below! (have fixed the leak so its not from there) I am a bit worried about driving the car like that!

Any ideas what to do?? (was going to take it though a few puddles today :))


Edited by Midnight21
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It will burn its self off eventually but get a hose and wash away as much as you can

The muppets that did my timing belt spilt mine and never cleaned it or said anything about it, i found out when i got home choking on the smell and smoke

Thanks ...it does smell bad! ;) will try the car again tomorrow

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi folks

Still having problems with this!!! Have just stripped it down again cleaned all the fluid up...and put on new rubber O rings but I think its still leaking.... Just drove it from work...only a few miles and the smoke is still belching out :lol:

Think I will try getting a second hand reservoir from the scrappies and fit that one!! :hyper: or anyone have one kicking about?? Its the round one from a 95 classic import


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