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April Truegrip - Glasgow/strathclyde Santa Cruise Write-up

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Nice to see the 2-page feature on Glasgow/Strathclyde region's 2008 Santa Cruise in this months TrueGrip :D

Good write-up and great photos . Well done J.W. :lol:


Ps. I'd like to see more articles like this in the mag.

All that you have to do is email your write-up and pics to the TrueGrip editor - paul@pro-motiv.com

. . . . . Glasgow/Strathclyde June BBQ meet article anyone - hint-hint :P

Nice to see the 2-page feature on Glasgow/Strathclyde region's 2008 Santa Cruise in this months TrueGrip :D

Good write-up and great photos . Well done J.W. :lol:


Ps. I'd like to see more articles like this in the mag.

All that you have to do is email your write-up and pics to the TrueGrip editor - paul@pro-motiv.com

. . . . . Glasgow/Strathclyde June BBQ meet article anyone - hint-hint :P

Oh Cool! Now I wish I had paid my membership fee so that I could actually see/read it! Not that I haven't tried, silly "manage membership" thing didn't work :(

Oh and thanks for the kind comments :P Don't suppose any GLA memeber going to the next meet could bring a copy along so that I can get a wee swatch at it, could they? Please... pretty please?

PS. Im famous!!!!! LOL! Geez I crack myself up :D


Yeha the article was good, but then i think that it was one of the few good things in this issue...

Cant say that I was that impressed with this issue in the slightest... it just wasn't up to the usual quality I felt... Although I know that its only Paul's second issue, but his first one was far better... one of the things that I was dissapointed about, was that opening the magazine, contents fine, chair/editor notes fine, Things start going downhill from there... Articals as follows...

Santa pod

Demon Tweeks

Santa pod

Santa Pod


Santa Pod

Santa pod


Now, is it just me, or have we just published Santa Pod's brochure for them...?

All the Subaru articles that are in there, yeah, they are good, but I'm sure that Paul needs more of them...

Oh, and the one other thing that I was less than impressed about, was the advert that cut the bottom off the only Scottish article in the magazine, I noted that NONE of the other articles featured advertisements like that...

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