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Keep Your Eyes Peeled Guys...

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Posted (edited)

Got woken by the car alarm this morning (around 4am), was windy and the car looked fine so i turned the alarm off and locked the car back up... 10mins later, the same thing. Back to bed and the same routine 3 more times. Thought something smelt fishy so out went the lights and out came the trusted baseball bat... Suffice to say, some little fooker got the shock of his life when he started rocking the car again!!! Police think he was try to trick me into turning the alarm off so he could pinch the car... Keep your eyes and ears peeled folks! Stu


Just to point out (after re-reading this and a day for it to sink in) that I'm not normally violent and nor do I condone violent behavior in any way, this was just an exceptional circumstance combined with a distinct lack of sleep... these early mornings and late nights really are starting to take their toll! :rolleyes:



Edited by stum450n
Got woken by the car alarm this morning (around 4am), was windy and the car looked fine so i turned the alarm off and locked the car back up... 10mins later, the same thing. Back to bed and the same routine 3 more times. Thought something smelt fishy so out went the lights and out came the trusted baseball bat... Suffice to say, some little fooker got the shock of his life when he started rocking the car again!!! Police think he was try to trick me into turning the alarm off so he could pinch the car... Theyll be watching the hospital admissions but keep your eyes and ears peeled folks! Stu

jeez little feckkers!! hows ya little'un anyway mate? ill text ya during week pal.



Find 'em and cut 'em. Its the only solution. They will look in the mirror every day and be reminded of the night they made the mistake of trying to steal your peide and joy.(tongue in cheek by the way)

(tongue in cheek by the way)

Was going to say! A smack across the arms with a length of wood is one thing... maiming the *******s isn't my cuppa, just thought it best to warn everyone of the tactic used really... just glad being overly paranoid has worked in my favour for once! :rolleyes:

jeez little feckkers!! hows ya little'un anyway mate? ill text ya during week pal.


She's doing brilliantly thanks mate... seems to do nothing but sleep! :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)

Sorry but being so damn nice and correct is not the right thing to do.

If someone is trying to steal something of yours, maim the c**ts and make sure they wish they were never born.

And I DO NOT mean that tounge in cheek.


Edited by emoe
Trouble is that the Police would prob nick you as opposed to the scroat trying to nick the car.

The sad fact is, id rather spend time in jail knowing i had protected my property than been ANOTHER victim.

I truly believe that if everyone started to protect themselves, the justice system would not be able to cope with the influx of those decent upstanding citizens who work, pay taxes, and abide by not only the LAW but the Moral obligations of being a member of society.

How ****ed up is this country and its judicial system if it protects those who commit crime and serious crime at that, and not those who are defending what is rightfully theirs??

Sorry if noone agrees with me, but by god, im not afraid to go to prison for being an honest person.

The sad fact is, id rather spend time in jail knowing i had protected my property than been ANOTHER victim.

I truly believe that if everyone started to protect themselves, the justice system would not be able to cope with the influx of those decent upstanding citizens who work, pay taxes, and abide by not only the LAW but the Moral obligations of being a member of society.

How ****ed up is this country and its judicial system if it protects those who commit crime and serious crime at that, and not those who are defending what is rightfully theirs??

Sorry if noone agrees with me, but by god, im not afraid to go to prison for being an honest person.

Mate, in pretty much every respect i agree with you and the fact that im more likely to face prosecution for what happened sunday morning than the little c**t who thought it perfectly alright to take away someones livelyhood and only means of transport just for kicks is absolutely fooking stupid BUT had i hit him around the head and not the arms as i swung i could quite probably have someones life on my concience. No car is worth that, its just an object. A beautiful, joyfull and thrilling object but an object nonetheless. However had he been a threat to my wife or children in any way it would be an entirely different matter. I choose (as much as humanly possible) not to be a violent person but i do think that when it comes to the truly important things in life, all lifestyle choices go out of the window and it becomes about a lot more than a posession. Just my opinion/two pennies worth.


Mate are you serious about the prosecution ? If so the legal system in country is more of an a*** than I thought.

Was the car parked on a private driveway ? If so then surely you're fully justified in protecting your own property (Wasn't it featured on a Front Page of a Tabloid this weekend).

Have the Police found the Scroat yet ? or has he visited them to raise a complaint ?

Hopefully nothing will come of it, I know if somebody was trying to steal any of our cars I'd have no hesitation doing the same. Again like you I'm not a violent sort but I do work for my possesions & would like to feel I have the right to protect whats mine.



Give me a shout next time mate (whilst it is happening, god forbid it ever happen again) and I will come over and drag them up and down the stairs a couple of times for you :D

I agree 100% emoe, why should we work hard and earn an honest living only to have people who just 'cant be bothered' with anything in life try to take it from you and not be able to do anything about it. I will be protecting what is mine, be it my scoobs or my family because I know that no one else is.

Cheers Iain

Mate are you serious about the prosecution ? If so the legal system in country is more of an a*** than I thought.

Was the car parked on a private driveway ? If so then surely you're fully justified in protecting your own property (Wasn't it featured on a Front Page of a Tabloid this weekend).

Have the Police found the Scroat yet ? or has he visited them to raise a complaint ?

Hopefully nothing will come of it, I know if somebody was trying to steal any of our cars I'd have no hesitation doing the same. Again like you I'm not a violent sort but I do work for my possesions & would like to feel I have the right to protect whats mine.


Yes mate, as far as the law is concerned all he did was set my alarm off... that's not a prosecutable offence. Hitting him with a bat is. :D

I doubt the police would ever find him (I'm surprised the even took an interest at the time tbh) and no one's going to walk into a police station and say "Well, whilst I was trying to steal a car, I got attacked by the owner and I want to press charges..." so I think I can safely put this one behind me without watching over my shoulders.

Give me a shout next time mate (whilst it is happening, god forbid it ever happen again) and I will come over and drag them up and down the stairs a couple of times for you :P

I agree 100% emoe, why should we work hard and earn an honest living only to have people who just 'cant be bothered' with anything in life try to take it from you and not be able to do anything about it. I will be protecting what is mine, be it my scoobs or my family because I know that no one else is.

Cheers Iain

Thanks mate, appreciate it! Nearly rang you over Crimbo actually mate... had a bit of trouble with the brother in law but it got sorted in the end! :P

To be honest mate (and again, this is only my opinion) I think it started far too long ago to change anyones way of life with a beating (as tempting as the prospect can be!), I think the parents of these little *******s need naming, shaming and putting into ****ing boot camps until they wake the **** up and realise that they have a ****ing responsibility to teach by example, educate and love their children... what 12yr old has the foresight to live their life being respectful, courteous and hardworking without the guidance of an adult figure that can be seen to give a **** about them. If a child feels no one cares about them (who wouldn't think that knowing their parents didn't) why the hell would they care about anyone else? The crime levels in this country are a result of the system being ****ed and not the cause of it.

Sorry, it gets me really angry when I think of all the poor little *******s that are essentially bringing themselves up... been there and it's not nice.


The justice system in this country seems to protect the guilty and punish the innocent.......

Too many do-gooders and people spouting on about human rights.

Since when should a criminal have any human rights? If you don't follow the rules then wave good bye to your human rights.

As a few of you have said, cut the gits, job done!

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