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Myself and the stunning Frankie aren't leaving the rock until the very end of June so we'd definately be up for a BBQ somewhere before then.

Mmmmmm, big burgers! face-icon-small-tongue.gif

Richard, once my beautiful future-wife and I have left for Stockport can you and Brian organise food parcels in the form of HUGE burgers sent over to me? Ha ha ha


Did someone mention burgers?! face-icon-small-happy.gif

I don't give a monkeys what goes into burgers & bangers as long as they taste alright. They can even drop them on the floor first.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. face-icon-small-wink.gif


BBQ Sounds helish, and I'll make sure I bring some big baps for Boxer23 face-icon-small-shocked.gif

Yeah Stockport doesn't have much food, so we'll have to rely on your food parcels, and you'll have to come over & visit us and play with scoobies on the M62!!

Frankie is up for anything that involves burgers, sausages, and boxercakes!!!...lol

Cret, you really are a crazy horse!! face-icon-small-smile.gif

I'll look forward to it.

............................. no and den!!!face-icon-small-tongue.gif


<< Yeah Stockport doesn't have much food, so we'll have to rely on your food parcels, and you'll have to come over & visit us and play with scoobies on the M62!! >>

You mean the A34 dont ya.face-icon-small-wink.gif


I'm lost and I haven't even reached Stockport yet! Ha ha ha

I can just about make it the TT Grandstand on time, eh Richard? face-icon-small-wink.gif

But I'm very sure my Frankie will look after me once there and the occasional food parcel from Corkills Forecourt Shop in Onchan will keep us going.


No Dave, the A6 is the best, right through hazel grove, stockport straight into Manchester city center, best straight road you'll ever come across, especially at night time when da coast is clear..............

Whhhaaaarrrrpppppp ttttsssssscccchhhhh pop pop bang bang, flames etc etc!!! face-icon-small-wink.gif


Hi i'm screwball, wrx import (white) my97 , i live up north(someone has to!!) but unfortunatly i think i maybe the newest member of the DIEC (dead impreza engine club)


Lo screwball, nothing wrong with the Northerners IMHO face-icon-small-wink.gif Sorry to hear about you in the DIEC as its a club I just got out of myself.

If you need any advice we are here to help m8 face-icon-small-wink.gif


Welcome to the merry gang Screwball

Can you send me an 'e' mail so i can add you to my Manx Scooby mail list,

You will always know what we are up to then ok





Three Imprezas in a row this morning from Governors to Bray Hill, 2 red ones and me in the middle. The front red waved but the lady behind didn't face-icon-small-sad.gif

Also another wave from a blue one bottom of Railway Hill.

Keep up the good work chaps


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