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Vandalized Again!

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Yet again my scoob has been targeted by the knobends of new elgin. Its been Keyed in the same panel just deeper and they have dented the panel as the pressed so hard.

Funny thing is ever since the first time, ive been keeping the scoob off the road and away from the main walk way, so some one must be doing it on purpose.

Any hoo its booked iin for it to be sorted next monday, will be just over £300 i would have spent on repaing scratches since i got the car back in feb :thumbup:

Thats shocking mate. Hopefully one day you find out who it is. :thumbup:

Have you thought about cctv ?

aye actually thinking about it now, car sits directly opposite my bedroom window so i think i could sort something out.


;):lol: :lol: ;):cussing: :cussing: :redcard:

aye actually thinking about it now, car sits directly opposite my bedroom window so i think i could sort something out.

Maplin probably do cheap kits...

If it was me I'd defiantely be getting something set-up! Let's face it if it's cost £300 so far.. I'm sure you can get a pretty decent camera for less than that!

Gutted though!! Quite fond of that car, woudl hate to see anything serious happen to it!..

Is that he guys at Autostation that are sorting it out for you again?


Gutted for you m8, Hate T**ts like that.



You given anybody cause to do this mate... only saying as it defo appears you're being targeted and if it was me then I'd be asking myself if I'd given anyone a reason to do it (obviously have to think back to a couple of months prior to the first incident).

A home CCTV set-up is relatively cheap to knock up as far as I know, and would be brilliant getting some hard evidence to take to the cop shop and get these pr!cks charged.




This kinda thing really annoys me, especially just along the road in elgin.

Next scooby run starts off from your house, parades round elgin one weekend at night and hunt them wee fluckers down!!!!

Shame on such a clean scoob, no respect whatsoever


cheers for the replies guys. aye its autostation that will be fixing it again, mike does a cracking job up there.

ive done nothing to upset folk up here, i mostly keep to myself, my neighbours are friendly enough. the first time i put down to a drunk scraping it as they walked by the car. it is a busy street for folk walking through. that why i started parking it out of the way in the chemist spaces across from my house.

checking maplin the now for cctv , 60 quid for wireless colour and night one, might get that one.


Grim buddy ;) Another solution is to get yourself a decent ethernet webcam. They are reasonably cheap compared to getting a whole CCTV setup. Most of them can be set to motion activated and record onto your PC. The ones I have seen also give better images than a cheap CCTV setup.



Check into the legality of filming people outside your house first mate!!

In this world of political correctess etc the last thing you need to find out is that you have broken the law and the "evidence" is unuseable!!

Posted (edited)
Same thing happened with my mate he set up cctv outside his house as some drunks vandalised his car when it happened again and it was caught on tape the evidence was unuseable apparently because there was no signs up stating cctv was in operation


Grrr! Put a small sticker on the dash like a parking ticket.. With the smallest font you can find ;) seriously though, anyone know What would be deemed a suitable sign, size wize and location?

And just to take the p*** a little.. Do camera'd up unmarked police cars have clear signs on them saying CCTV in operation? ;)

Surely any evidence they gather could not be legally used? As the whole point on unmarked cop car is to decieve members of the public in thinking it's an ordinary car... Just a thought.... (Note I've got nothign against traffic police.. Just curious how there's laws for some people and not others...)

Edited by ScoUK

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