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Finally The Limited Print Is Ready - Shop Is Open

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its here... its here... we've finally finished it

we're selling the record breaking aerial picture of spelling Colin's name in subarus :beer::boldblue::D

after a lot of to'ing and fro'ing in terms of what we wanted it to look like,

after me driving the photo lab mad with 5 different amendments

we've decided simple is best and selected the core of what we believe captured the event.

the main output from the McRae Gathering WAS the mosaic image, the record breaking image, the "ooh thats me in the middle of the O" image


a reasonable 36' x 12' in size, we are only producing 555 of these prints, for £40 (+£7 p&p)

so be quick, buy your own souvenir online here

they're selling at the rate of one per minute so far ;)

If you're not fast you're....

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Just ordered mine! Can't wait to see it!

Remind me, where are you all again? I'll look out for you, I was in the "R"


I was on the very top-right of the final 'E'... I still need a bigger picture to see the detail of that section.

Right, decided to throw caution to the wind and ordered my print! ;)

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wonder how long they are going to take to ship :beer: getting excited lol

hi guys

happy to see that you are all still hyper from the event

i'd allow 28 days to ship.

grant and i need to manually pack and parcel each print, take a batch to the post office, wait in a slow queue to get them all put through their Special Delivery service, which involves waiting for them to scan each item and punch in the postcode of-each-item before they do the next one :occasion14:

i've cancelled all my plans for the next 2 weeks (weekends and weeknights) so we can get the production line started again (and thought I was done after dishing out all those Gathering registration stickers lol) and the prints out to everyone.

thanks again,


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hi guys

happy to see that you are all still hyper from the event

i'd allow 28 days to ship.

grant and i need to manually pack and parcel each print, take a batch to the post office, wait in a slow queue to get them all put through their Special Delivery service, which involves waiting for them to scan each item and punch in the postcode of-each-item before they do the next one :)

i've cancelled all my plans for the next 2 weeks (weekends and weeknights) so we can get the production line started again (and thought I was done after dishing out all those Gathering registration stickers lol) and the prints out to everyone.

thanks again,


Wow! That's alot of work!

It will be worth the wait!

Thanks for the effort.


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