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Jon Stokes is back over later next week, either Thurs or Friday, to come and get his beloved Type-R (which he had to leve last here last weekend when the head gasket blew).

He's hoping to stay for a couple of days and enjoy what Scooby Island has to offer.

Who will be able to show their faces at any point over the weekend, maybe organise a night out or a few different activities during the day.

Last weekend we had a good turnout from Dave, Nick, Richard and Frankie but who else can make an appearance this weekend coming up?

The more the merrier.


Good man anyway, mate.

Good weekend of it last time, and not just for the nipple tweaking! Lol.

Anyone else?

Kristan? Cret? Wopp? Richard? Brian?

Any other hidden members of the Manx SIDC?


You're just scared in case your car gets nicked again but this time it doesn't come back!! Lol.

No worries, mate. We realise you've got other people to see. face-icon-small-wink.gif

Enjoy yourself.

What's the plan? When are you going over?


Sorry chaps but I can't either Friday or Saturday. It would have been nice to after not being able to track down the previous Saturday night out with you all, but I've to be up about 7am on Saturday as I'm doing service crew for a mate in the rally all saturday, and have already got a do arranged for Saturday night.

Aside from that I don't have 2 pennies to rub together until next wednesday. face-icon-small-sad.gif But then it is bonus month meaning I should have about a grand extra to burn on something (probably valves & a top end rebuild kit face-icon-small-blush.gif)


For those crimes, and that feeble excuse, I'm going to have to ban you from eating cheeseburgers for four days!

Who CAN make it out, even for a short while to say hello?


What feeble excuses?! I'd be well up for it as I've not seen the Muppety one for yonks let alone had a session with everyone. face-icon-small-sad.gif

I'm good cheers Jon, just looking forward to getting the Rover (as opposed to the range rover) back on the road again whenever it'll be.

Was going to do the cambelt yesterday but didn't have enough time after replacing all the springs & shocks on the rangie. Am determined to get it done before the end of the week, if only so I can begin removing stuff from the engine bay...

Might do a drive by past SCP and have a gander at the yellow peril. face-icon-small-happy.gif


Oh fear yee not matey! I love the old rover despite it betraying me after I've lavished it with toys & tlc (Cough!) for the last 3 years.

It'll be back, just not sure exactly when yet.....

Your engine offer is very tempting though. How much info do you have about those short engines, ie about difference to the EJ20 for bits to attach to etc?


It is an EJ20 short engine mate bored out and relinered.

And it pulls veeeery well ask Nick and Dave face-icon-small-smile.gif

Or mate I have a complete STI engine just rebuilt to fit any Subaru for £1300 with only 12000miles on it.

STI pistons, heads etc.


Right then guys, what's the plan then?

Jon, you here at 6pm Friday night?

When are you heading back?

How can come out sometime over the weekend to say hello?

When are you picking up the Type-R, mate?

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