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Dudes face-icon-small-wink.gif

Anyone know if any manxies were after coil packs recently? A m8 had bought a dead impreza and some theiving gypsy has helped themselves to 2. Please PM me if you have any info (all strictly confidential) face-icon-small-wink.gif


Morning dudes face-icon-small-wink.gif Need to screw my head on and make a statement for Isle of Man newspapers as they called me this morning about the nolimit web site. Also went to dentisits yesterday as I have had a sore gob for the last 5 days and it turns out I have a big hole in one of my back teeth and it needs to come out face-icon-small-sad.gif He cant do it for another 8 days face-icon-small-shocked.gif Ouch ouch face-icon-small-wink.gif


OK Dudes.................

I am pleased at the news the speed limit proposals have been dropped but even more pleased by the fact Mr Shimmin has recognised and addressed overwhelming public opinion.

Since creating the online petition website 3,127 people have signed to show their opposition for an all-Island speed limit, and the Department's own public polling showed nearly 75 per cent were against the proposals.

I openly agree something needs to be done to make the Island's roads safer but many people, including myself, believe speed is not the prime cause of most serious traffic accidents.

I am glad Mr Shimmin is looking at other ways of improving road safety, such as extending the legal driving age, advanced driver training, reducing the drink/drive limit, educating more drivers and extending the period novice drivers must show R-plates. Also, speed cameras in built up areas such as schools and 20MPH home zones must be perceived as a significant step forward to reduce accidents.

The online petition was a successful way of showing Transport officials that the public does not agree with their proposals for an all-Island speed limit and it is encouraging to hear public concerns have been listened to.


Can you not add on "because the pr*cks usually don't bother thinking before introducing absurd new laws" on the end? face-icon-small-wink.gif

Good work dude! face-icon-small-smile.gif


Who do I send the invoice to, Nick? face-icon-small-wink.gif

It will go in Thursday's Manx Independent by the sounds of it.

Well done on the campaign overall Nick and thumbs up to everyone who signed it.

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