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Morning dudes

How long is this weather going to last![:(]

Till the sun shines i guess[:D]


Morning Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssss





Another weekend[;)]





















At Work[:(]

Pays the bills though


Ta Ta




Morning dudes ![:D] .    [st][8o|]


Morning Duuuuuuuuudes


Stopped raining at last


Ta Ta


PS, Dont forget the Mountain is now Shut for 7 weeks,

Just think how quiet it's gonna be up there!!

West Baldwin ere we come[;)][:P


Good idea Richard.[:S][:D]


My last weekend for driving as well[;)]as under 'The Knife'[:S][:'(] next week and we are away on Monday morning[ap]



Whats the Forecast for Sunday guys?


Ta Ta



Morning Duuuuuuuuudes


Stopped raining at last


Ta Ta


PS, Dont forget the Mountain is now Shut for 7 weeks,

Just think how quiet it's gonna be up there!!

West Baldwin ere we come[:o][:D

Lol, was just saying the other day in the office, how long before the mountain gets used as a test track.[:D]


My last weekend for driving as well[:D]as under 'The Knife'[:S][:'(] next week and we are away on Monday morning[ap]

Whats the Forecast for Sunday guys?

Ta Ta


Sure all will go well Richard.

 <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Ps When you dropping the car off then?


I’ll need to familiarise myself with the car ready for the RB Relay![:D][:o]


Morning dudes [:D] Weather dry and cold for the weekend i think. Got some new boots on the scoob yesterday, so will be having a blast on the mountain at the weekend to break them in [:D][:o].



Had confirmation my car is back to normal on the way home, the BBQ was back on.[;)][:)]


Back to the 2 second rule again behind you then!!



Ta Ta



Morning Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudes



Another fine dry morning[:P]


CCCCCCCccccolllllllllldd wind though[:D]


Margys got her new Muttmobile  (Thanks andi, an ave a safe trip across tomorrow)





Thanx Richard , And I hope that the Leggy does good for you and Margy , and hope that they sort the knees out for you good luck dude ..

Well dudes it is my last day on the Isle of Man thanx to one and all for being so nice to me and my family and I hope that we will see you down in the UK at some of the meets...[:D]

I will not have a computer for sometime so will not be able to keep in touch [:P]

See you later dudes ...........OH Good morning all  [:P]


Thanx Richard , And I hope that the Leggy does good for you and Margy , and hope that they sort the knees out for you good luck dude ..

Well dudes it is my last day on the Isle of Man thanx to one and all for being so nice to me and my family and I hope that we will see you down in the UK at some of the meets...[:D]

I will not have a computer for sometime so will not be able to keep in touch [:D]

See you later dudes ...........OH Good morning all  [:P]

Take it easy Andi dude. Hope everything is sweeeeeeeeeeeeet for you in the UK.[:D]

Take care bud[:P]

Morning all dudes[:P]



I will not have a computer for sometime so will not be able to keep in touch [:P]



Best 'e' mail me your MSF booking form now then![:D]


Ta Ta



All the best Andi to you & the family in your new home across.  Hope it turns out to be just how you want it mate.

We'll miss you over here of course so make sure you are not a stranger on here! :D


Good luck Andi, sure I will bump into you over here at some meets.  I should be at this one, Scoobynet Live , if the car is fixed.  [;)]

All the best in the UK Andi to you and your family.

May see you at Scoobynet Live/Scooby Shootout, went last year and it was a great event.

Evening Dudes.

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