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face-icon-small-smile.gifEvening dudes looks like its going to be a nice weekend to take the scoobys out for a play. Might see some of you around and about seeing as I have a full weekend off for a change.



Subaru Impreza turbo 4x4 '97

Subaru Impreza wrx sti type uk ppp '03


face-icon-small-smile.gifDidn't see you today Andi went into Douglas, saw the guy with the P1 who waved to us and another guy in a green scooby classic who also waved . Don't know who they are though - yet.



Subaru Impreza turbo 4x4 '97

Subaru Impreza wrx sti type uk ppp '03


<< face-icon-small-smile.gifDidn't see you today Andi went into Douglas, saw the guy with the P1 who waved to us and another guy in a green scooby classic who also waved . Don't know who they are though - yet.

Nix >>

Good morning dudes....

Yes Nix, I have seen that P1 myself , and also a WR1 that has been buzzing around Douglas and it is not the the one from Kirk Michael.

Just got the STI out for a run.

It is my wifes birthday today and Iam taking her out for lunch before she gos back to hospital in the UK....face-icon-small-wink.gif


Afternoon dudes......got a slightly smelly problem, the young fella projectile vomitted all over the back seat/floor/door of the car yesterday AND MY OH MY DOES IT STINK!! Anyone know how to get rid of the smell? It's been well washed and febreezed etc but it's just too damn cold to be driving round with all 4 windows down, which is the only way we can travel at present !!


<< Happy birthday to the mrs Andi - have a cracking day.

I'm off to start meddling with my ecu! face-icon-small-smile.gif >>

Thanx Jim dude , I seen you down Port Erin the Leggy looking ang sounding well M8...face-icon-small-happy.gif

Not many scoobys out today on my run....


Oh no! You'll have to call the car the Spewbaru now!! face-icon-small-blush.gif

Andi - wasn't sure if that was you or not dude as I only just noticed at the last second sorry dude! Also someone else in a blue classic gave me a wave at Macdonalds this morning too and I was so preoccupied with the thought of macmuffins that I didn't realise notice who it was so apologies to them - I'm not an ignorant sod, honest! face-icon-small-blush.gif


face-icon-small-wink.gifHelen apparantly vinegar is supposed to neutralise the smell of sick in the car although I think I'd get it valeted, not sure it works though as haven't had that problem. Hope James is ok now.

Cret that was me you saw this morning so no apology necessary, your car sounds well by the way.



Subaru Impreza turbo 4x4 '97

Subaru Impreza wrx sti type uk ppp '03


face-icon-small-wink.gifNo problem cret we all have days like that and the fact it was an early sunday morning is another reason for the homer mode.



Subaru Impreza turbo 4x4 '97

Subaru Impreza wrx sti type uk ppp '03


Morning dudesface-icon-small-smile.gif nice drive to work at 6am this morningface-icon-small-smile.gif all 4 windows down with my head sticking out of one of themface-icon-small-frown.gif the stench in my car is not sweet dudes,face-icon-small-sad.gif now i know what ribeana and quavers smell like mixed up. sorry if you have not eaten yet.face-icon-small-smile.gif


Morning dudes!

That sounds pretty bad dude. I had to drive the one of the mrs' cats to the vet a while ago and on the way back the miserable ginger get dropped his guts meaning the stench was so bad I had to have my head out of the window. Luckily he was in a box anyway though so the smell came out straight away.

Nice wipe clean leather seats in there now too. face-icon-small-wink.gif


morning dudes!!face-icon-small-smile.gif a much warmer drive to work this morning. Only 1 window open on the car on the way due to half a bottle of fabreeze and some detox air freshner, a neutrodol smell sucker upper and some car shampoo.face-icon-small-wink.gif

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