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Morning dudes!!

Sweet, it's the weekend! face-icon-small-smile.gif

How is everyone doing?

Comrade Cret, I trust a transaction can be placed with yourself before the setting of the sun?



<< Damn right Jimmy - this has been the week from hell! >>

No need to ask what you'll be doing tonight then..............................would that be 1 keg or 2 sir.face-icon-small-happy.gif


Lol, sore head for you this morning then dude?

Any body going up to Jurby today?

I'm going for look, think it's the last track day this year.


Sweet day dudes!!

Hammer - I thought you were meant to be ill? You looked pretty 'sick' throwing those shapes in the Outback! face-icon-small-wink.gif

PSML, spotted that big white dome a mile off! face-icon-small-tongue.gif


I am mate. Was out since 5 and I feel better this morning than I did yesterday!

I think drinking all that beer & alcopops and breathing in the smoky air in the outback has maybe done the trick.

Ears are still blocked though face-icon-small-sad.gif

Throwing shapes! As if - you couldn't lay down any moves in there if you wanted to! face-icon-small-happy.gif


Evening dudes, back on the rock now. Glad I have no money at the mo, went to Demon Tweaks and OMG you could spend sooooooo much money there. All that nice shiney kit, but I only bought a Green panel filter for mine. Throttle respone is a lot better but god knows what is happening with my coolant at the mo, think there is a leek but no visable signs. Someone suggested it could be the head gasket, I hope not face-icon-small-sad.gif . I have checked the obvious, has anyone got any other ideas of finding the leek or checking the head gasket idea?



What a nightmare Andi!! face-icon-small-sad.gif Not sweet!

QAndy - can you actually see coolant at all in the engine bay or is it just that you're having to top it up all the time?


Morning dudes, going to have a good look at the coolant today. Cret, I cannot see coolant any where in the engine bay and I have had to top it up a few times over the last week. Mainly had to top it up if I have been accelerating a lot.



<< Mainly had to top it up if I have been accelerating a lot.

Andy >>

Hmmm, doesn't sound great if you can't find any in the engine bay or beneath the car.

If it's after accelerating then it could indeed be a head gasket as it might be fine under normal driving but under the extra pressure of boost it could be leaking & using coolant.

Have you checked for mayonaise in the oil cap/bubbling in the coolant tank etc?


Good & So So weekend,

Good, as in Tracey is now settled into her Freshers fortnight!!! and today been offered place on main course that she wanted & not foundation jobby.

So So, as in saw vet today, 6months wait for another 2 exploratory ops on knees,

Right one, for keyhole camera Again and knee cap 'Realignement'

Left one, Keyhole camera and biopsy to check for pnvs, as this may be causing swelling of joint and could delay knee replacement and to use the Vets own words, @The Knee is Knackered'!!face-icon-small-sad.gif

Oh btw, best bit is both ops gonna be done on same day!!face-icon-small-shocked.gif

Poor old Margyface-icon-small-wink.gif

Ta Ta


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