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Here's something one of the knowledgeable Legacy boffins 'down under' has just had to say. And I don't like it. At all:

You wont get bad running of your engine from being less than a tooth out. Sure it will effect your torque curve and shift the power up or down the engine range, but if every cam is within one tooth of the mark, it should idle and run fine. I think you may have bent valves or some other thing that is causing the roughness and pops and bangs. It would take several teeth out before this becomes a problem due to cam timing.


Doesn't sound good does it.

And to top it off, no-one proposed to me today either. face-icon-small-frown.gifface-icon-small-wink.gif

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Yeah the belt is the same - we counted the teeth on the old & the new one to make sure. Even so, the tiny bit of difference that it could be out is apparently not enough to make it run as rough as it is.

I'm going to compression test the cylinders hopefully one night this week and see how many/how bad they are & take it from there.

As far as I know you can remove the heads with the engine in situ I think but I've no idea how much of a nightmare that would be to do.

The cost of repairing the top end myself doesn't bother me as I doubt it'll come to all that much, it's just the aggro of it really.

Ho hum.

At least if I get WRX heads then I shouldn't get bothered by tappet noise/knock sensor issues in future as that's a popular upgrade on the Legacies.

Will keep y'all posted anyway - cheers guys!

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