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This is what Richard says......

Hi Guys and Gals,

Well, Its been a difficult 10 months, i have been without a scooby for so long now i have forgotten what it's like.

The good news is that i have sorted out in full the differences reference the car that i had on order.

The bad news is what have i done now

They say you should never trust your first feelings when on the re-bound!.

Well i am afraid to say that i have, unfortunately i found myself in the Baynall area today and standing on on forecourt was a rather nice Evo VIII FQ300

After an hour there, the rest as they say is history

See you all soon,

Ta Ta



<< Aye the dark side has won him over dudes.face-icon-small-shocked.gif

Thats what ya get from going to the ex Ralliart garage. >>

LOL Dave , Than Dave dude got your PM M8......face-icon-small-wink.gif


PM back Andi.

I don?t know dudes, cant drive down the road without having names shouted at you now.face-icon-small-wink.gif

See we have a UK scoob over with a orange flip paint job.


<< PM back Andi.

I don?t know dudes, cant drive down the road without having names shouted at you now.face-icon-small-wink.gif


That's dreadful mate. face-icon-small-happy.gif


See we have a UK scoob over with a orange flip paint job. >>

Not seen it - think it's a 'comeover'?

Got my bosch coils at last today, and have new O2 sensor, new gauges, and hopefully TD05 tomorrow. Weather better be good this weekend or there'll be some extreme swearing going on!


<< That's dreadful mate. face-icon-small-happy.gif

Not seen it - think it's a 'comeover'?

Got my bosch coils at last today, and have new O2 sensor, new gauges, and hopefully TD05 tomorrow. Weather better be good this weekend or there'll be some extreme swearing going on! >>

Aye some people hey. lol face-icon-small-smile.gif

You cant miss it, bright orange flip paint classic 4 door with v5 wing.

It soon snowballs dont it Jim, I'll do this but i'll need that to go with and that and that...........pmsl

Fitted my new rad last night after modding it, bolts did'nt go right through so had to snip bits out!!!

And it's heavier than the old one, Sti's or Type R's must have alloy cores.face-icon-small-sad.gif might gets some alloy end tanks fabed up.


<< You keeping well Dave? >>

Fine thanks Bob, hows yourself and the family?

Where are you off to this year on your hols?


<< You cant miss it, bright orange flip paint classic 4 door with v5 wing.

It soon snowballs dont it Jim, I'll do this but i'll need that to go with and that and that...........pmsl

Fitted my new rad last night after modding it, bolts did'nt go right through so had to snip bits out!!!

And it's heavier than the old one, Sti's or Type R's must have alloy cores.face-icon-small-sad.gif might gets some alloy end tanks fabed up. >>

I have not seen it yet!!!!face-icon-small-shocked.gif Your rad in the type R looks a lot bigger than my one in the Legacy...

Hopefully we will be able to fit my gauges at the weekend ...face-icon-small-happy.gif Sweeeeeeeeeeeet


An Evo??????????????


I will take that up with him next time we meet and he better have Margie with him face-icon-small-mad.gif

The blinged up orange flip scoob was parked down the road from me yesterday, the red english one is also owned by a bloke a few doors up from me although he dont talk much face-icon-small-blush.gif


Where are you fitting them Andi? Might pop along for a skeet if that's ok with you/Dave?

That's if I have the time seeing as I've a good few goodies to do on mine this weekend! face-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-wink.gif


Good morning all , Yes Jim dude you are most welcome to come around , we are fitting them at my house M8 ...I do not know what time but I will let you know Jim.....face-icon-small-wink.gif


Dude - of course!

And den?

I want to get mine fitted too but am waiting for my mate to do the carbon fibre panel he's making for me....

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