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Accident In Aberdeen City Centre

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before he managed to "park" like that he was obviously driving like a moron and deserves what he gets

I took that attitude once on Pepipoo based on post-accident photos. It turned out a motorcyclist had cut up the car driver then braked hard forcing the car driver to take evasive action and I had to eat humble pie. From that pic, a kid could have run out or anything forcing the Subaru driver to do something out of the normal. You really can't say unless you know the facts and circumstances.

I took that attitude once on Pepipoo based on post-accident photos. It turned out a motorcyclist had cut up the car driver then braked hard forcing the car driver to take evasive action and I had to eat humble pie. From that pic, a kid could have run out or anything forcing the Subaru driver to do something out of the normal. You really can't say unless you know the facts and circumstances.

Very True, we don't know all the facts here!

Posted (edited)
Is abz scoobies still on the go ? ive tried to log on + change my user name but i get no come back :rotfl:


aye its still gan manny,

ok i retract my previous post and wish the driver all of my sympathies if it wasnt his fault, if it was i hope the cars totaled and he gets banned for driving like a t**t :D

T.W.A.T isna a bad word really is it :D

Edited by Ac!D

is that Union Terrace? I'm fairly sure that it is... and if it is, then the scoob has *JUST* come off the set of traffic lights.... from union Street, I just live 5 mins walk from that junction, and you see some idiots coming over from bridge street trying to beat the lights, failing that, if he/she, had come off union street, they should NEVER have been able to build up even nearly enough speed to park it like that...

and thats going from personal knowlege of where the accident happend... there are a lot of idiots driving about aberdeen city centre at break-neck speeds...

I dont know Andy, normally I would be with you there on not hanging them without trial, but I'm not conviniced that thats possible at the 20MPH speed limit thats all around that point... (not that it matters, everyone drives at 30 there if they can, and when you cant, you can only do 20 or less there anyways...)

I am of the opinion that he was driving like a moron... :rotfl:

(I would quite happily be proven wrong... :D)


Front page of today's P&J - complete with registration number S729 ERC (it's in the public domain, so little point int trying to hide it!). Looks like a silver STi 4, 4 door saloon with an FMIC with a P1 style front splitter and anthracite PFF7 wheels.

It's cetainly not a car that I recognise or have seen around.



Shame that they dont say which man it was that they charged, I'd like tothink that its obvious, but then I dont know, it could be like you said forcing someone to swerve... but then I think that time will tell...

I just drove right over that spot about 1 minutes ago, and sure enough, theres no way on earth that he could have been going fast enough to launch like that in a 20... off a junction...

if I can get google earth sorted on this machine I'll post up the loaction and let you see what i mean...


where in that article does it say which car the 22 year old was driving?? He could have been driving the bus or he could have forced the impreza off the road??

where in that article does it say which car the 22 year old was driving?? He could have been driving the bus or he could have forced the impreza off the road??

Good point! And normally I'd easily take the fence.

But really.. If that's the section of road I think it is, the only vehicle even remotely out of place is the impreza.Loosk like the bus and the two cars were parked waitign at the lights only to be driven over by an Impreza! Clearly not at the legal speed limit! I'd think it's a fair chance the impreza driver is the one charged. In this circumstances even if the vectra dn BMW drivers were on the phoen with no seatbelt chances are they'd get let off for the seriousness of the accident!..

But I admit I "could be wrong! maybe the vectra and BMW drove under the Impreza at high speed and managed to keep on their on side of the road without what looks like any bumper to bumper damage.

Ona different note.. Not that I'd drive BMW (flame suit on) but I'd be s**t scared if I was to see this car come right over the bonent on my roof! Probably came out of virtually nowhere.. Yeow!

It's just another black mark for the impreza. and qutie a big one being front page news! It's events like this that make a newage cheaper to insure by about 10%

I'll probably get a report of what happened tomorrow as it was likely to be an Elgin bus and my dad is one of the controllers there..

Posted (edited)

For all those not aware of the particualr bit of roat that the clown was performaing on.... here it is....

Bearing in mind, that every road off that cross roads was a 20mph limit... this is from how it looks in the pics.... although it could still be a lottle closer to the junction like...


Edited by thefastone

Ok got a little detail.. Not sure what direction they came from but possibly. West along Union Street.

The Impreza bounced off the near side kerb (luckily not going over it into pedestrians) and bounced over the other side of the carraigeway hitting the two cars. Going over hte top of them because it was de-stabalised with hittign the kerb.

What's even more lucky is that BMW is a convertible. and the owner just changed the soft top roof for a hard top roof last week!!!

Talk about lucky!!! So yeah.. Impreza driver to blame! :wacko:

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