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V-power - How Much!?

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107.09 in keith now

heard the other day from ScoobyDoom that Elgin is @ £112.9 I think I'll be filling up in keith tomorrow for sunday's run :D

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We need petrol ok, give up the car or stop complaining. £1.10 at the one just outside the airport in Edinburgh, bargain, still cheaper than the equivalent in bottled water :)

We need petrol ok, give up the car or stop complaining. £1.10 at the one just outside the airport in Edinburgh, bargain, still cheaper than the equivalent in bottled water :)

B) if you was worried abouy the petrol costs you would buy a tdi golf or suming

We need petrol ok, give up the car or stop complaining. £1.10 at the one just outside the airport in Edinburgh, bargain, still cheaper than the equivalent in bottled water :)

I see where you are coming from.. WHy are we all whinging about the cost of fuel... If I wanted a budget car I would not have bought an impreza.. I agree.

.. tHe probem I have is not so much the cost of running the car (which naturally is inccreasing along with the price of fuel) but rather the last time the fuel prices went up to over 90p/liter the UK practically came to s standstill until something was done.. Yet for some reason which I really can't figure out we are seeing fuel prices over £1/liter and no one is doing anything!!!! Why!!!!

That's more annoying than the general cost of fuel for the car, the fact that this time it's costing more than ever and the public dont seem to care as much...

Besides I think at this time it's useful to let others in your area know where the cheapest source of V-power is.. With prices changing at least weekly we want hte best value for money!

I see where you are coming from.. WHy are we all whinging about the cost of fuel... If I wanted a budget car I would not have bought an impreza.. I agree.

.. tHe probem I have is not so much the cost of running the car (which naturally is inccreasing along with the price of fuel) but rather the last time the fuel prices went up to over 90p/liter the UK practically came to s standstill until something was done.. Yet for some reason which I really can't figure out we are seeing fuel prices over £1/liter and no one is doing anything!!!! Why!!!!

That's more annoying than the general cost of fuel for the car, the fact that this time it's costing more than ever and the public dont seem to care as much...

Besides I think at this time it's useful to let others in your area know where the cheapest source of V-power is.. With prices changing at least weekly we want hte best value for money!

Yup, the thing that annoys more than anything is the fact the something like 70-80% of the cost of fuel is duty/tax... the actual cost of the fuel itself is FA.

Think someone mentioned that the current cost of fuel (around a fiver a gallon), just over four quid goes to the chancellor for every gallon (possibly more). THAT IMO is what's so f***** up. Wouldn't mind if it was actually spent on the roads or public transport but I'll bet it's not. That goes for all the money we spend in new car tax, insurance tax, VAT, Fuel duty, road tax, etc...


I remember Clarkson saying a couple of weeks back that the oil companies build, mantain & staff huge oil rigs, pump the stuff (and/or ship it in tankers), refine it, send it out to the petrol stations (which have to make a profit too) all for 35p a liter.

When you look at it like that (although some oil companies do announce massive profits regularly) it doesn't seem too bad. Just the greedy government taking their huge cut.


:) with the B)

Robbing shunts ..... My wife put a £10 in her car yesterday morning, the diesel light was still on!! :D

Ohhh i can remember when £20 would near as damnm fill your tank.... 39.9p when i started driving in '89

^auld git ^

But........ BUT.... When you tickle that pedal & hear that burble..........who cares?

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