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About squeak

  1. Cheers guys found it got the new one in today so am back on the road
  2. I cant see anything under the seat that is removable only 2 rubber gromits 1 is round cables and the other looks like its round brake pipes.
  3. Ma fuel pump is boke so just got a new walbro one. I have a late 97 classic turbo2000. A had a look in the scoobypedia about changing it and in there it says take back seat out undo the five bolts holding on the plate and bobs your uncle its under there. Was wandering if thats for the newer models because av got ma seat out and cannot find any access to the pump can anyone help.
  4. any links on a decent place to get the full decals to go on a 98 classic. been thinking of it for a while would like to price it.
  5. How much you looking for it. a can get to glasgow no problem. A think it may be fairly common as ma mates 98 also has it not as bad as mine we both could smell petrol when they were running and thats what the problem was
  6. When a was discovering my fuel pump was bust a noticed the fuel pipe going from the fuel cap to the tank is a bit dodgy looking needs replaced. does anyone no the proper name for it so a can buy one. cheers
  7. A was with norich union for last 5 years just turned 25 and 5 years no claims they wanted 1200 this year so a called direct line got ma 98 turbo 2000 fully comp for £454. A was smiling that day like the first time a ever drove impreza
  8. cheers a seen them on ebay shops just never had to get one so didnt no best kind. looks like a pain to change
  9. Fuel pump in my 98 turbo 2000 decided togive up anyone no best place to get one and a rough price
  10. That was a deep flood a made it through but it was above the doors and we coughed and spluttered for a good few yards after it.
  11. Alright theres a good chance you seen me in the blue classic if it was the one with mudfaps. just recently joined av just been sittin watchin for a while.
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