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About slo2

  1. Billyboy, its very hard to give weegies a badderer name!![6]
  2. I need all the help I can get on this one as I need to have the works completed for the start of the new season. Hope to start work on site in June !!!! This might be cutting it fine for the planning ( and the building control issues). Good to see that wearing the club gear gets you noticed ![]
  3. It was I , dropping of drawings for the new floodlight towers at the greenock morton ground. If you work in planning or building services do you want to push them through quickly so I can get the job started before the new season. Cheers John (sometimes turn up at meets in my blackbugeye called barbara !) Good to see that people notice the SIDC clothes.
  4. Fantastic sure you didnt write it yourself !!!!!![6]
  5. [] [H] Back boxes getting drilled and bungs up the ar#e a bit homoerrotic I fear.[6]" Entering Miss Iowa []"what can I say this place is begining to get interesting!!!!![H]
  6. I know that mine did! [] Never tried it on my exhaust though![6]
  7. Only giving it 85-90% on the motorway, are you going soft in your old age ?[]
  8. Need technical information on Tarox brake pads and discs. Mine are 6 pots and are arround 6 years old need as much information as possible. Cheers John
  9. Serious cluncking from my rear left hand strutt on my Bug eye STi. Whats the best solution? Standard product from Subaru ( quoted £660 to fit a pair of rear strutts) or an upgrade or even a repair kit(if such a thing exists). Please excuse my ignorance on this subject as never thought Id need to know anything about the suspension on a Sti as I (stupidly) thought they were well sorted. Cheers John
  10. 31000miles 12months therefore 84.93 miles per day 3.53 mph[] Due to commuting from the wrong side of Glasgow to Fife everyday for work.[|-)] Its the depreciation thats going to kill me as the millege is now over 108k[] luckily the feul is paid for[H]
  11. You can park the car at my place as long as you leave the keys.(Im needing a runner to get me to and from work )[] Merry Xmas all
  12. Is there a user manual or a quick guide to all the Added features as most of them Ive only just noticed (online feature). Missing the info on howmany times a article has been viewed . As regards to adverts just a neccessary evil I suppose!
  13. Some of the army boys might want to check out some of the other pages on this guys site, especially the one on EM weapons!
  14. Thats pretty impresive! Bet he didnt want to go down the hill!
  15. Might have been posted before but I found it an interesting read http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=h...6lr%3D%26sa%3DG
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