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Everything posted by twentytwobee

  1. I have a place in Onich that might suit you if you give Mrs MacLean (mother so be polite!) a call. Look on the site link attached if you need more info> http://www.strathlinnheholidays.co.uk/ Onich is a good base for Fort William, Oban, Glencoe, the Morven area and Mallaig etc. All the other places mentioned above are nice too. Just a note on the Onich Hotel, locals are pretty much banned! 'dont feed the animals' sort of thing. The scoob is in the car park for the self catering units at my parents place so you can get an idea of what its like> http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f30
  2. Interested to know what the root cause of the engine failure was as I was advised off the oil level in 22b's being critical and always being kept at Max and also intercooler condition being very important. My 22B is under cover at the moment as I am considering selling it if a suitable offer comes along, I popped it on the 22B site. The silver lining could be that your 22B was not parked out the front and he hit that instead of the house!
  3. Lady travelling into the town on the Grantown road going very quickly last night about 6pm, if its your wife then tell her on that stretch its just a matter of time until the 'Safety' team snap her. The camera squad were at Drumnadrochit on Loch Ness yesterday putting all the tourists off ever coming bach to Scotland by making sure a photograph of their stay was waiting back home for them when their holiday is complete. Fortunately, I was in my Land Rover and unable to even contemplate breaking into illegal speeds!
  4. Wishing I was back on the West Coast watching my dear old mother wash my scoob for me instead of being trapped in an industrial estate being driven insaneby the bleep of forklift trucks!!!!! I woke up on Saturday and She had taken the 22B out for a run and then as she did not pass an Optimax station she decided she would give the car a quick wash as it had got some grime on it from the Aberdeen run the night before. I went out into the back garden and it looked so nice out there I took the photos attached. I think my mother should be a SIDC associate member as how many 62 year old women sneak a shot in your 22B and then make sure its in pristine nick straight after! She misses her Cosworth but father made her get a Lexus. It was only afterwards she asked if she was insured!!! No nasty comments about mothers please. http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f301/nig.../22brhsrea2.jpg http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f301/nigelonich/22lhs.jpg http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f301/nig.../22brhsrea3.jpg
  5. It wasn't the points or the fine, but one of them asked me if it was a P1, cheeky bugger.
  6. About a mile past Methven on the road to Creif there are some nice gentlemen handing out three points for a bargain price of £60. To be fair they were the nicest policemen I have ever met but I did have a problem with them telling me how 'lucky' I was to be caught at 84mph and not 85mph. I guess that 85mph must be a critical speed for the transfer from fixed penalty to court. They hide their car and are fairly hard to see (radar gun). Oh and the guy in the P1(P16 SUB?) on the Ballater to Aboyne road on Sunday, if it was you sorry I did not get the chance to wave back!
  7. Be sure to look here before you travel. http://www.nscp.co.uk/cameras.php I was doing 70 and managed to escape the ticket.
  8. 'motorsport wheels' in glasgow 235/40 17inch for 72 quid each delivered (RS from memeory).
  9. From a person that has a 22B and a BMW I feel that comment was a little harsh! Another way to look at it is that I drive the BMW more to save the 22B for nice days. I think that the 22B may have belonged to a chap from outside Edinburgh. As I contemplated buying it last year. It has a few 'issues' if it is the one I think it is but its nothing that would be a 'walk away' case.
  10. I am looking for a speed trap detector that meets these three criteria> 1, Easy moved between cars. 2, Detects the mobile vans with the laser units in them at least. 3, Currently not illegal. 3, Cheap! Any advice on whats good and what is a waste of time?
  11. regarding porkers, never break tradition and let them out at a junction
  12. I was told that their was a damaged 22B for sale in auto trader but the shop had ran out of copies when I went to look. Anyone know any more?
  13. I had a really mint Escort Cosworth pretty much as good as my 22B which I managed to buy in the Isle of Man so it had done next to no miles. I had wanted one for ages but I cannot tell you how dissapointed I was with it. You cannot deny that it looks awesome but the useless gearbox poor build quality let it down. It did have nice handling and quite a lot of grunt in standard form but it just had to go.
  14. Thanks for the positive feedback, I hoped that you guys would find it interesting. I must say that I really liked the challenge of sourcing the parts and co-ordinating the repair. I really intended to do a lot more myself but the combination of Liam at Glenburgie's total package and the time I would take (longer) to fit it in made it more sensible to choose the opition explained. I am a little bored now and toying with th idea of a new project. I have this thing about bringing my dream cars back from the dead. Unexplicably I have an attraction to Mk 1 Ford Escorts at the moment, I think the projects people come up with in mags like Classic Ford etc are fantastic. However ebay is full of unfinished projects. Perhaps in 30 years, once all the classic scoobs have been nicked, smashed and rotted away in back streets P1's, 22B's, type R's, RB5's etc will be the Mexico's and RS2000's of the future. People like us will probably trying to buy them back. But then again petrol will have ran out by then, bugger!
  15. some pics for your interest, sorry they are dark, weather was poor and I had just polished it.
  16. Additionally, I have not been stopped by the rozzers for about nine years, second time out in the 22B, stopped. Bad cop kicked tyres and checked my insurance etc, Good cop asked if it was a 22B and after I confirmed, 'Cool' was the reply. I really hope this is not a rozzer magnet.
  17. Ran out of space again> The only bit to finish is the new STI decals for the fog lamps, I have not managed to get good copies yet and Town and County want £26 for each one. I can afford this BTW but it looks better without them giving the front a clean, uncluttered look. It moves just as quick without them too. I had an RS4 before the 22B which was great but this machine is a lot more interesting to drive and has a 'feel' of invoilvement that the gizmo's in the Audi took away and more importantly the 22B has a spare wheel. The car still has the 22B plate and i normally take it out for a late night blast but intend to use it for the Aberdeen > Fort William run I do very regularly. Thanks to Chris Wishart, Liam at Glenburgie and Grade A for the help. I hope you found this little story interesting! And the question that is probaly on your mind> how much?> Lets say that I have a low mileage, mint, brake upgraded 22B for about 25% less. However, its on the register as Cat D. As I know and have photographic proof of the damage and repair process the history does not bother me, but I realise that others would run a mile.
  18. ran out of space> Liam took the Engine and within a couple of days I got a pleasant surprise to hear that it had been repaired and worked perfectly. I had to supply the red cam covers which turned out to be about £400 for originals. I bought new black ones and API made them look genuine and they really do look the same. The bumper and wing arrived after three months wait and it was cool to see that the bumper was already painted in the box. The wing was a genuine skin from STI in japan and it was chosen to repair the damaged wing rather than fit the new skin (sold on ebay one week before a genuine one came up, bugger). The car was then stripped and after I managed to get a genuine s/h 22b bonnet from Grade A the car was ready to be jigged. The car did not need any new legs as the leg damage was only in front of the LH mount. The RH leg needed a slight pull back too. front panel replaced (pennies) both wings repaired, new bumper, new bonnet and the car was ready for primer and then some new 'Sonic Blue'. Upon the completion of the paint the mechanicals had to be put back in. Chris, you wore the clutch out! The clutch was replaced and a small crack was found in the gearbox casing, a stock casing so cheap to replace. The intercooler had been damaged and a replacement was found at Grade A in vgc. The car is back with me now and was put on the road in November. I have struggled with the original tyres (Pirelli and just put on Toyo's) its just reached 16k miles and its like it just came out of the wrapper.
  19. I had a look on the site and noticed Chris Wishart had posted his 22B in its damaged state and rather than pick up on a negative thread I thought I would be a little more positive and start a positive one. In Spring last year I bought the 22B from Burnside Motors in Leven which I understand is owned by SCB (Sports Car Breakers). I had dealt with them before after buying a yellow Z3M Coupe in the past and apart from the slighly 'back street' location they are fine to deal with. I guess, like everyone I noticed the damaged 22B ad in AT every week for months but thought it was too expensive (BTW the smashed 360 they had was Jean Claude Van Damme's !?). I went to see the car to find that they were will to reduce the price by several grand probaly due to not being able to move it on. I decided to buy it. I managed to contact Mr Wishart shortly after who was incredibly helpful and if your reading this Chris, Thanks again. He gave me the background that has already been on this site and supplied me with all the history for the car which was a massive plus. My main concern was the enigine as the belts were damaged and the coolant system was damaged. I managed to remove the engine and I contacted Glenburgie Subaru who I had never dealt with before. Liam (owner) came along to see the car and spent hours looking at it and offered his services to complete all the work. We agreed on a price based on the condition that the engine repair, if needed, would be extra. and I would supply any difficult parts as he had plenty of the stadard ones.
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