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About kloon

  1. Hmmmmm never thought of that
  2. I did NOT forget to pay the bill, my credit card had lapsed. As if I would do something as daft as forget to pay the bill !
  3. Could be that they were still learning the ropes but in my experience L of K are about as much use as a chocolate ashtray.
  4. Cheers bud. Just realised i've been a member of this here club for over 5 years, where does the time go ?!?!
  5. Aye aye folks, it's been a while, can see a few familiar names still around here. I seem to be bucking the trend nowadays as i'm actually returning to Scoob ownership rather than leaving it ! Got myself a totally original MY98 UK Turbo, it's being made ready for MOT at the moment as was off the road for 7 months and needs a few bits and bobs replacing but should have it some time next week. Will post up some picters when I get the chance. Oh and another 12 months membership signed up for Ari.
  6. Captain Slow's eyes at the jump
  7. I'll vouch for Iain's handywork
  8. I'll be there Hopefully we'll outnumber the Evilo's this time !
  9. Oocha, what a belter ! Has to be a certain irony in the lads name being Barry
  10. That looks the mutts nuts Mark ! Especially like the wheels, but then i'm biased, I have the same ones
  11. Great idea and a lot easier than it sounds. Just start a list, ask who wants to be in the Calendar then sort out the photoshoots, plenty budding David Bailey's around here who i'm sure would be more than willing to do their bit ! Guess the biggest problem would getting a designer and printer but I could easy help out in that department in some way if need be. We (Aberdeen Scoobies) have done one for the past 2 years and have shifted over 200 copies between them raising almost 2K, that's just selling them up here, i'd imagine an SIDC one could shift some really good quantities.
  12. He certainly is Peter, he's just been over past mine with the car trailered up and ready to go.
  13. Not going into too much detail, but the news isn't good
  14. FFS Dale, gutted for you. That's just not on.
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