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Everything posted by paul_dyson

  1. Been away for a few weeks and totally missed this. Must admit I always had excellent service from them and, for one, am sad to see them go.
  2. We were going anyway so would be very happy to hook up with you guys. Stick me on the list.
  3. Yeah, I like those ones too. Also good roads around Tolleshunt Darcy/Major.
  4. Drove several of mine early this morning: B1508 Colchester-Sudbury. Not many overtaking places but fantastic when deserted with three tight switchbacks (last one particularly is a double hairpin with plenty of visibility and scope for sliding the car about). B1508 Sudbury to Castle Headingham. Short but very sweet with lots of straights ending in sharp bends. Unnamed road from Sible Headingham to Wethersfield, joining the B1053 to Radwinter. Very fast, usually empty, some great dips in the road to charge down. Anyone else got favourite routes in East Anglia?
  5. Is this just with a de-cat and re-map? Which rolling road did you use. Some good looking figures there.
  6. Too short notice for me ... put please post again if you're doing another one ... always fancied a drive at Snetterton. Cheers, Paul
  7. Ferry booked, going to come over at the beginning of that week for a couple of days. Will check out your neighbours B&B. Thanks for the info, Paul
  8. Thanks for your post Graeme - very helpful. We were thinking of coming over that week but will probably have to head back before the rally starts unfortunately (may see if we can stretch the visit). Do you know if they close the roads far ahead of the rally? Would be a shame to get over there and not be able to drive 'scooby island' to the max. Looking for a good B&B too - nothing fancy just friendly and comfortable.
  9. Thinking of bringing the Spec C to the Isle of Man for a drive of the TT circuit. Any tips on where to stay, when is good to go, where to get Optimax from? Cheers, Paul
  10. Thinking of bringing the Spec C to the Isle of Man for a drive of the TT circuit. Any tips on where to stay, when is good to go, where to get Optimax from? Cheers, Paul
  11. 1 Boat from Stockholm Warby & Em Warby Gumball Mark & Lin Paul and Ang
  12. << We can drive all the way to Estonia and get a ferry from there to Finland and it only takes 1hr45 and there are 14 sailings a day. >> My Dutch mate says you better sleep in the car if you go through Estonia.
  13. We're very likely to go. Will drive via Eindhoven to see friends and then on to Stockholm by road (I just *have* to drive that bridge). Would be up for catching up in Finland, either on the way up or at the rally itself.
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