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About Dalthegooner

  1. Thought I'd better show my face to let you know I'm still alive Have you forgotten me already No. I'm still here. Honest Been working on a fast track project on the South Coast and that, coupled with a promotion, has seriously limited my playtime that I can devote to the car. The prisoners are moving in now though so hopefully that will change!!!
  2. The World Series by Renault is at Silverstone this year and is once again free. Check out the website if you fancy some tickets. This was a good weekend last year with good access to the pits and cars and plenty to do for the whole family.
  3. I was in a mondeo Hol so you wouldn't have noticed me. I've just started a new project in Lewes and have got a diesel for the travelling. Noticed the scoob pulling over behind me and then noticed the plate
  4. Hello mate and welcome to the nuthouse Just bin the civic. They're crap anyway
  5. Not good news. Once you've got the insurance sorted, take the video of the pr1ck driving the wong way round th eisland to the old bill and get the mug nicked as well
  6. Spotted Hol, yesterday morning behind me on the M25 from near J5 till I pulled over for the M23
  7. Thats quick!!
  8. Definitely go for a re-build. Plenty of excellent advice from Hol to get you sorted within budget and keep the Scooby going as well.
  9. I think it looks quite nice. And I think its definitely the way to go with regards to challenging Ford and Citroen in the WRC.
  10. Happy Birthday Pele
  11. Belated Birthday wishes mate. Hope you had a good one
  12. Thats great news Dan. Nice one Glad to hear she's getting into heavy drinking at an early age
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