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Rice Rocket

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Everything posted by Rice Rocket

  1. Well done to everyone thats taken over, MIGHT mean that the SIDC caravan/trailer will head north and make the shows more official! I might even return to the meets after along time away and hopefully the scoob might be on the road again. In all the years I was a member (over tens years ago!) NOTHING was ever done for the Scottish side of SIDC, maybe now things will change and make it more even. In saying that we don't have the same number of shows and quality of shows up here as they do down south. Good luck to all the new staff Rice Rocket
  2. Unfortunately theirs alot of that about here :0( and everywhere else aswel, its the nature of the beast. Its the young Corsa/Saxo kids growing up playing computer games and having Subaru / Evo posters on their walls now living the dream in the car that they love and not thinking about about anyone else on he roads, its society we all live in. Sad times. RR
  3. Looking good dave! Is that colin over in Motherwell breaking the Scoob< if so, hes a good guy and good prices. Where did you get the battery? needing a new one for mine, but need one that will be able to be left for a few days without losing its charge? Ricey
  4. Only missed 2 of these shows and always had a very poor show from Scotland!
  5. Touch ups in hamilton street glasgow - 07817513223 Does alot of the Vdub show cars so you know how fussy they are and just done s full respray on Porsche Boxster from dark blue to white and the same guys thinking of getting his Range Rover done too. Plus they painted my 2 tone on the scoob. Ricey
  6. Car looks great, nice to see a build thats taking care of the whole car and not just the engine! Look forward to seeing the feature and the finished scoob, if that ever happens ;0) Ricey
  7. Cheers David, got ALOT of plans for next year, but don't know where to start lol I'll await on the full run down in the email. Ricey
  8. Looking forward to seeing the progress David, is it going down the lines we spoke about down at Silverstone? Ricey
  9. i don't think mines that loud... Yeah the buyer put it right back up for sale, but i think its sold again. Ricey
  10. Nice one Tommy, glad i'm not round the corner anymore lol How does it sound compared to the Prodrive as that sounded good when you used to pass. Catch up soon or pop round. Ricey
  11. Why thank you Mr Welsho!! Plenty more hi quality pics of the scoob taken my professional photographers, Ade Brannan does ALOT of the photography pictures for the magazine features. Ricey
  12. Heres a few of mine, some may have seen it in the Total Impreza mag and Japanese Performance mag. Love it or hate............... I LOVE IT! Rice Rocket
  13. Looking good, should have got some dry ice in to remove the sound deadening. Looking forward to seeing the progress pictures. Ricey
  14. Neil, I had the big brake kit using the OE 4 pots. Richie, I would spend the extra on the K-sports, just for the fact they look amazing and the work very well! Ricey
  15. I had these on my bugeye for the best part of 5 years!! never had an issue with them, only when I used the green stuff pads supplied they left a buildup on the disc. I only used cheap pads out the local motor factors and cleaned the discs using them. Sold them and replaced with the K-sport 8 pots ;0) HTHs Ricey
  16. looking really good! Where did you mount your ABS unit? nice a clean. Ricey
  17. I'll need to get a run in this to see what its like TOmmy! Be in touch soon. Ricey
  18. My mates selling a complete bottom end off a spec d if your interested? send me a p - m and i'll give you his number. Flat4 i've never had any problems with, great prices too! Ricey
  19. I was looking into this at the start of the year and the best option would be a 2.5 wrx engine, the stis have avcs which would need the wiring loom fitted too. :0( but i'm sure someone will maybe give you another option. Ricey
  20. `The guy that owns it now bought it from gordon Shrek last year i think and he bought it from Murray who used to be on here. You will find the car is now for sale again over on the other scottishscoobbies.net ;0) When Murray owned it it was AWD & Harvey that done 95% of the work on it so it had the best of everything fitted and Murray lived in Troon! lol Ricey
  21. Well Chris, your posts once again make me laugh! Will the Evo have your private plate on it, like the Orange ST? DO you still see Scott that has/had the white STi 8, Hows he doing? Ricey
  22. there not off the clio are they? if so they look the part! Ricey
  23. Very nice Geo, what side sills are they on the scoob? Are they an optional extra with the wee wing type wrap at the rear? Ricey
  24. I'm sure someone will correct me if i'm wrong, but iirc all you need is to remove it and give it a good spray of brake cleaner and blow it through to clear up the gunk. HTHs Ricey
  25. Cool, not seen it yet, will see if I can get a copy tomorrow. Sorry guys, I can't for the life of me remember talking to you at AWD Ricey
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