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Everything posted by scoots

  1. scoots


    can someone clear this up for me, i've read different articles on bhp for a 93 wrx import, they've been 228, 240, 260 & 280. Does anybody know which one is right.
  2. sorry to hear the bad news, hope you get well soon.
  3. silver classic wagon going down heron way about 7ish, i didn't flash as i was in the other halfs astra.
  4. << 1. Pele 2. Loony Toon 3. Granby 4. scoobytoo 5.shrek 6.deano 666 7. Monty (MOT permitting !) 8. Sheepie 9. taffr 10. markie 11. scoots i'll be there for my first meet!
  5. Happy new year to you all hope to make my first meet this year
  6. monty spotted going down north dane way this afternoon
  7. was using tesco 99ron and car seemed to be lumpy from cold start, but since using optimax it seems to be better.
  8. what fuel is the better fuel to use, tesco superunleaded or shell optimax? i've been using tescos untill thursday when i put in optimax and to me the car seems to be running better!
  9. monty, i think it was, car looks the same.it was about 3.15pm pele you must be the exception then!
  10. red classic going down ash tree lane, chatham. Why is it male scooby drivers wave, and the women don't?
  11. siver n reg in asda car park, walderslade. sounded nice, didn't get a good look as it was pissing it down
  12. Let's hope so. i like the look of the 06 one.
  13. just browsing the net and found this about the new scoob....... http://www.scoobymagazine.com/my07/sm07.pdf what do you all think of it?, i don't like it.
  14. i emailed you a couple of days ago and i think you've put me on it. thanks for all the suggestions, i'll just give everything a good clean. had i quote of £200 for the coil packs!!
  15. i've read that it could be the coil packs, are they on top of the spark plugs? not got a manual to look at. are you a gunner by any chance dal?
  16. hi all, after years of waiting im finally a proud owner of a scooby!! It's a siver 93 wrx import, had it about 6 months not sure what mods it has apart from a bailey dump valve and 5" back box. got one problem if anyone can help, car is lumpy from a cold start, revs are up and down but she's fine atfer about ten minutes, any ideas? look forward to meeting you all soon.
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