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Everything posted by Danthewrxman

  1. Hopefully at some point soon bob ! Had a great weekend at the rally put 600 miles on the scoob though but it was great fun was a fantastic event proper old school rallying sat in kielder last night in the dark with a group of followers the old camp fire going and everyone chatting about the days events and sharing slightly charcoaled food waiting for the next stage to start back to reality this morning though Colchester and back today
  2. Just wondering if anyone from here will be following RAC (Roger Albert Clark) Historic rally this weekend Starting from leeds this year. Roger Albert Clark Rally
  3. I've got a nice WRX for sale well known by alot of the CADS definatly not a dog ! Have a look in the for sale section
  4. congratulations to you both i take it the suaru wrc babygrow is on order
  5. Hi all Just wanted to let thoughs of you who know Kel and me Abigail Elizabeth was born on the 23rd July I know its a month ago now but its been one hell of a month Abigail was taken very ill on 25th july and rushed into Hospital followed by an emegency transfer over to Alder Hey where she spent the next week. Anyway the out come is shes home now but unfortunatly it was discovered that she has a very rare chromosome disorder called Trisomy 9P and is one of only around a 100 children in the world to have survived with this . The Trisomy 9P basically means that she will have significant learning and physical disabilitys inclding growth and speach for the rest of her life. She is a beautiful little girl at the moment who seems to be very happy and content with life ,while mum and dad come to terms with what this means and involes with meeting after meeting with specialists.
  6. Thanks everyone Can you imagine PMT 365 Days a year [:-*] Think a need a good shed !
  7. Evening all feel like a bit of a stranger not been about much for the last 18 months due to work and home commitments Ive finally put my scoob up for sale - only been putting it off for 12 months Look on the bright side my wifes expecting our third child at the begining of August ,Another girl ! Thats me and 4 females in the house and hopefully no scoob [] I must be mad ! shes in the for sale section http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/thread/973132.aspx
  8. Well done Rob A very touching tribute sat here now looking back at previous rolling road days with mine and chrisps infamous 7BHP power gap ,remembering the jokes we'd have about the extra coats of wax
  9. not hidden at all but i thought it was a ambulance till it was too late
  10. great pics all camera got me aswell chris
  11. Sounds good consider it done
  12. << Just got back from Just got back from Manx Scooby Fest 2004, what a week we've all had Thanks for everything you all arranged for us, fantastic holiday, great to catch up with old friends and meet new ones. Would just like to add a big thanks to the above comment to everyone involved in organising the event It was my first visit to the rock and both my 2 daughters ,wife and myself really enjoyed the trip It was great to meet some new faces Big thanks to Rob for showing me around the Island and leading the way for alot of the time and a big thanks to everyone for making us feel to welcome especially the girls The girls want to know when they can go to the isle of man again
  13. suns come out and the cars all nice and 'bling , bling'
  14. Can't beleive it got the day off today to sort the car out and its raining not happy
  15. That must be the wifes job Rob got the camcorder sorted and ready to go just the car to do tomorrow ,stuck at work today
  16. two days left at work then a day to polish the old girl then brace your selves the tribes on the move Can't wait see you all soon
  17. sounds good i'll have to wrap the kids up in bubble wrap to stop the making a mess of the car
  18. just wondering where abouts people are planning on meeting for breakfast ? can we join you all ? think myself and mean & green will be meeting up and making our way to liverpool
  19. Boat tickets landed this morning on the count down now
  20. the count down is on wonder what else can mod before we go just fitted whiteline antiroll bars and drop links and a anti lift kit just told the wife it was needed to go to the IOM
  21. Bob, Elaine & Sophie (12) ...........Oh! and Pip ( the JR). Debbie, Paul, 2 sons, Rob 17 & Danny 15 Gordon & Pat Andy & Eleanor Dan,kelly ,2 daughters ,megan 6 Bethany 2
  22. dinner jacket hope not, don't even own a suit got some nice snickers workwear though i feel more expenditure coming on ,told the wife thats all i need when she let me up grade the brakes for the trip can't wait no long now
  23. any final plans for the weeks activies yet ?
  24. Take it youve received my form back richard ?
  25. can't wait you can just spot my little scooby fan at her last meet in this pic she was just coming back to tell me that we should have that nice blue type r v limited
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