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Everything posted by jasonb

  1. join the list then guys 1. jasonb (scoob) 2. jcscoob (scoob) 3. gordon (R34 skyline) 4. lee (pulser) 5. lessels 6. Higgy oh bring it on !!!!!!!!!!!bug 7. aarongr 8. Scott P 9. baldyadonis
  2. join the luist then guys 1. jasonb (scoob) 2. jcscoob (scoob) 3. gordon (R34 skyline) 4. lee (pulser) 5. lessels 6. Higgy oh bring it on !!!!!!!!!!!bug 7. aarongr 8. Scott P
  3. how much for just the front clear indicators daz
  4. sorry if i caused you any offence 2559b, dident realise it was banter now you coming on the rollers
  5. new list 1. jasonb (scoob) 2. jcscoob (scoob) 3. gordon (R34 skyline) 4. lee (pulser) 5. lessels any more???????
  6. i think john's point is that we all just want to have a fun day out with are friends without being slated by people like you wrxmania, so stop the slating and join in
  7. keyboard hardmen good one mate, as i said above i dident mean to annoy anyone!!!!!!! just dont like people taking the p*ss out of me !!!!! anyway lets leave it at that!!!!!!!!
  8. i dident see the thread that wrxmania first posted, then he re posted which is fine, then 2559B re posted again just to be a wide boy, sorry if this has annoyed anyone! but i dont like people taking the piss
  9. sorry WRXMANIA dident see it, i dont mind waiting, dont want to tread on anyones toes as the guy has organised it already, p.s 2559B, you must think your funny, but your not! you seem like a prick
  10. its good that so many people are up for it, i have spoken to one of my mates and he has told me that dastek is very good so i will phone up and check the price etc and i will do that today. Then will post some dates to see what date people would prefere but just to see numbers lets make a list 1. jasonb (scoob) 2. jcscoob (scoob) 3. gordon (R34 skyline) 4. lee (pulser)
  11. just an idea, but does anyone think it would be a good idea to organise a rolling road day at somewere like star performance, if there is about 10 or more cars you can sometimes get your car on the rollers for about £30, but would need to phone and check!!! anyone interested??????
  12. cheers mate think i will check that out
  13. i think i seen my girl friend in that lol, good one john
  14. i agree these people should grow up, its probably the same people that want violent films banned cos they think it makes people do bad things, pricks
  15. atcivate you pm so i can send you my phone number or pm me your number
  16. are you up for meeting up and we can both see what we think of each others exuasts
  17. i think it is the same but not 100% sure so will check that out, i am in dundee were are you??
  18. i have a full stainless steel mongoose system that sounds good but not to loud, i am now looking for a louder exuast system, would you be interested in a swop????????
  19. never done them before, but i am sure you will have no problems john unless you have someone like lee helping you then your in trouble
  20. << Although, i dunno...may 4.5-5k ? >> i would say johnny was about right
  21. great clips wrxmania!!!!!sounded like the honda driver sh*t himself before impact as anyone would do
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