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Everything posted by jasonb

  1. I had same problem and it was the brake shoes inside the drum for the handbrake!!!
  2. Might be in depending on date then!!!
  3. LOL I think its going to need re-licensed
  4. I will have to wait until i get my new engine and get it run in first!!! so im out until July!!
  5. Yeh......great pics, some really good drifting ones And the wheels are defo not legal.....im sure the police would have a field day if they say that car!!!! looks like the tires are coming away from the rims!!!!
  6. Chavs are people who have there car dripping in wings and stickers and general p*sh that they found in max power.....you can usually spot the vertical cap pointing up over the steering wheel!!! I hate chav bast*rds!!!
  7. Hahaaa good find!!!
  8. Woooooww.......looks like it might do!!! should be interesting
  9. Great pics mate how did you do the moving shots, i take a mount on the side of your car and a remote control for the camera?? There really good!!
  10. Haahaaaa Brilliant
  11. Theres no excuse for people doing that!!! sorry to hear it mate
  12. Very Nice..........
  13. Well if you have replaced your radiator i dont think the pipes thing matters.....its just telling you there no flow!!! As playsatan says could be airlocked!!!
  14. Cant wait!!!!!
  15. It could be a few things!! Blocked radiator...... Broken water pump..... Heater matrix...... I would test the radiator first to check water flows through it!!
  16. LOL Well dunk good luck, the oil buisness is picking up again and you will get a job soon no doubt!!! What do you do offshore and i will keep my eyes pealed for you and pm you if i see anything!!
  17. Feckin hell mate, thats not good!!!!!! my company are hiring mechanics and electricians!!!
  18. Ah i thought you were changing your turbo aswell, he advised me to go with that cos there rated for up to 500 ft lb. I will be keeping the 20g for a few months as the GT35-40 and exhaust kit comes to about 2.5k , need to save up more cash for that but at least it means my gearbox and clutch are good for when i go for it! When your car going to be back on the road dunk?
  19. Dunk i asked alan at engine tuner what clutches i should go for and he said EXEDY Hyper Twin cerametallic clutch (£1300) so thats what im going for, alot of pennies but peace of mind it shouldnt slip!! Jase
  20. The arches are about a foot past the wheels!!! yeh total head turner alright..........hey guys check out that bucket of s**t No wonder he is selling it!!!!!
  21. £90 from subaru dealer in Perth, i keep a spare one just incase........
  22. That was awesome!!!!! The distance they were with each other was mental.....one slip up by either and it would have been a crash without a doubt, just shows you how good they are at racing!!! Great find
  23. Thats brilliant.......defo someone with 2 much time on there hands......but brilliant!!!!
  24. Brilliant!!!!!
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