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Posts posted by HOL

  1. They look good!!

    Can we also have some that say:

    THANK YOU FOR PARKING SO DAMN CLOSE TO MY CAR DOOR YOU ............................




    Not that I have any issues! [:S]

  2. Its all a matter of taste and perception.

    People think of a clean car and an umblemished car and hence some may think that stickers will damage paintwork.

    Dean (Scoobytoo) got some negative comments about the graphics when he sold his car.

    I did think about having some fitted to mine, but buttled out in the end.

    If you like them, get them! You can always removed them when you come to sell the car.

  3. I need to set up a home CCTV system for a relative who's property is being damaged but they don't have a spare one that I can stick on record every night.

    Im lending them one of my Kids units for a short while, but I just want something cheap to replace it with.

     Happy to pay for it, but it must have a scart input option.



  4. I did a day with Don Palmer the other day. He has an article in this months True Grip.


    It was OK, but I did not come away with as much new 'stuff' as I was hoping.

    BUT, I did make a GT4 and a Holden driver feel sea-sick when they sat in the back of my car as I did a handling course! [Y]

  5. Big thanks to Sophie, Quentin and Trevor for helping me out last night.

    Like a plonker I got out to defrost my windows, but the tickover peaked a bit and the Blackjax locked my car crybaby.gif

     Soph, was good enough to drive me home for my spare keys while Quentin and Trevor car sat. thumb_yello.gif

     Of course I had to do a 40minute detour on the way home afterwards to 'check-it-out'  


    Apart from that, I thought it was a good night. Roll on the next one!

    I also got that funny vibration as I left the car park!, I could feel the centre LSD binding up.



    So, how does everyone feel today?

    I thought Dunks was going to blowup.gif last night? 







    You need tags, before and after the link.The tags for images are img

    What you need to do is put the following tags before and after the link.So that it does not think I am linking, I have reversed the order. The closing tag will be the one with / in it.

    linkwith out spaces between the tags%7Boption%7D

  7. front Steering and suspension and rad and everything else up front! f00ked plus obvious body work (front and passenger side)

    I had STI wheels put on? i dont wont STI wheels on the back and wrx ones on the front do I?


    I have found repair garages to be quite open to the use of second hand parts if it increases their profit margin, over the use of new.

    A BRAND NEW Subaru (Subaru NEW Prices) wheel and front bumper will be considerably more than a second hand repainted complete STI front bumper and sone refurbed/replacement front STI rims.

     Just a thought! [:)]


  8. [;)]

    Due to unforeseen recent circumstances[:'(]

    I don't think i'll be able to afford this (or indeed anything for a while!!)

    so don't book me and Suzanne just in case

    Sorry to muck you around it was so well organised

    Next time though (I'll bring my new Mondeo- haha)




    That does not sound good Trevor, obvious to say that I assume it is problems at work?


    No Andy not work - thats fine

    more the crash - I have a £675 excess- I need 4 new tyres- and a 30K service so abit ouch on the ol' wallet[:D]




    I have four rims with good tyres you can borrow for a month or so.


    I may need them back myself in March though, for the MOT.

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