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About andrew_wrona

  1. Just want to be different, each to their own i say.
  2. First wash in a year.... honest
  3. A good view from Cumbernauld towards Glasgow. []
  4. I fitted these to my newage car and yes it certainly does make a difference than the standard bulbs fitted. Dont know about fitting them to a classic but was a bugger trying to fit them in my car, u need small hands. [] But defo worth the money.
  5. Now have my front and rear drop links put in. wow what a mod, handling is so much better, well worth the money. Also Duncan had to put a dig in about a wee red Civic Type R that Gumball should know about []
  6. Yeah, Duncan at Hypertech fitted rear ones to my car yesterday, didn't get the front one's in yet [] But damn, what a mod. Really worth getting done. He also fitted autogauges for me as well will post pics up soon.
  7. I had a wee gander about Ian Grieve Subaru this afternoon after work, you guys must get paid alot if you can sit on your arses and talk in a office without coming to talk to your customers. Superb service department though, very friendly and even gave me my SIDC Discount on a few nuts and bolts.
  8. Its just how your luck goes, i bought my WRX last March and then in April subaru were doing free PPP.
  9. I was wanting to PPP my car but can i keep my ninja exhaust on it still or do i have to get the prodrive one fitted?
  10. Defo sounds like a good mod then. [H]
  11. Ive just been to Hypertech in Bonnybridge to enquire about getting my gauges fitted to my car, i also noticed that they were doing freee fitting on drop links so i thought id have them as well. [] The question is do droplinks make a difference to the car?
  12. Anyone know of a website that does a 3 Gauge Pod Mount (Centre Mount) for 52mm gauges for a MY05 car?
  13. I touch goats
  14. Depends On if you want to keep your warranty or not? Didn't notice you have PPP on your car. I missed out by 1 month to early
  15. Hi there Just wait till the modding starts.
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