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About jcscoob

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  1. Hahahaha...iv not been on here for ages either, yeah the banned for no reason sounds not far of the mark !
  2. hahahahaha ....probably none of youz are ever on here anymore ...
  3. with my own money, not any club money and not once did i ask if anyone was paid up members !! WTF are you spending the money on ? can you answer that question ? for me the club/forum took a serious nose dive when the banter police put a stop the fun... i remember some/most nights i used to be in stitches at some of the banter that went on .... now it'd all doom and gloom, no wonder its going down the tubes !!!
  4. lol , you guys are doing well,looks like the work of comical ali "they are surrounded, we will besiege them" ! now awaiting my well deserved punishment
  5. Admin edit. Blatant trolling removed
  6. lol !! Strike the "mod" thing isn't directed at you its at whoever is responsible for ruining the for sale section ! frank thanks for asking mate were all getting on just sound the boys are getting big and cheeky now .. lol pay back time i reckon how are you getting lad ?
  7. The whole for sale section has went all to f@#k, since the power has went to mods heads, it used to be one of the best/busiest parts of scottish scoobys but now its just shat,,, well done guys you've managed to f@#k that right up !!! SORT IT OUT !!!!!!
  8. one word ..... VOLVO !
  9. As title, should be a good'n !
  10. Very sad, an other very talented Scottish driver lost. RIP Jimmy
  11. Iv got a soft spot for P1's ..... nice car and welcome
  12. I would say any tire that says macaroni on the side of it should be given a wide berth ! yokohama
  13. Well done Peter, i take ma hat off to you Good luck over the week end mate
  14. from the back it looks like an Hyundai (wtf) and for the front .... em .. like a hatch !! the hatch is much nicer machine all together. ( almost as good as a classic )
  15. Hes in Africa, be home on the 11th (ish)
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