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scientific steve

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Posts posted by scientific steve

  1. i didnt know that there was anybody else form "up north" going down to this [:S]

    no matter as i had a cracking day out and had a good few runs down the strip too, didnt fair as well on the circuit though [:|]

    think i'll be going to this next year too likes, but i doubt it will be as good a weekend as this

    knockhill on the sat then SSO on the sunday  [;)]

    almost a carlsberg weekend

  2. Steve, the toaster was mighty impressive. More importantly it goes VERY well indeed. The flames are obviously a bonus.

    Cheers bud

    i'm pretty happy with it at he moment, things have taken quite a while but it's all working, well it is just now anyway [:|]


    looks like i've a new nickname for it "the toaster" has a nice wee ring to it [:D]

  3. i'll just have to get someone else to drive it round knockhill next time i'm down ..........................................................

    hello [:)


    i think there's going to be a long que [:D]

  4. Steve, I fitted the Zerosports coolthermo and noticed a healthy drop in oil and water temps. Might be worth it if you don't already have one.

    thanks for the thought, but i've already got that too [:D]

    think it must be them flames heating everything up [:D]

    bu@@er that your camer werent working bud, would of loved to of seen the toaster in action, everyone's seen it apart form me [:)]

    i'll just have to get someone else to drive it round knockhill next time i'm down ..........................................................

  5. Great day today glad it stayed dry for it, and need to say thanx to few folk for pax laps!!!!!  1  Wilky in the amg!!!! speed and comfort too great cheers bud!!! 2 Sceintificsteve for gettin me confused on wat way we were going but no harm done!! only guy i think could scare me!!!! cheers bud!! 3 Scoobaroo!!!! Drives like me nuts!!! cheers bud!!! 4 the Chinese 400 makes a change for me to see this going more than 30mph through the town peter but nice car!!! cheers 4 Gary D's mate with Audi s3 cant remember his name sorry mate!!!! nice quick car pitty bout brakes me thinks upgrade required!!!!

    he he he

    glad you had fun matey, even if you did have to use the seat belt [:D]

    TOP day out folks and as always a high standard of cars and driving too

    Imy, I take it your still grinning ???   [:)]

    only thing i need to do now is get some good track tyres and fit a oil cooler to the car, was only getting about 6 laps before i had to pull in and let it cool down [:S]

  6. well

    i HATE football and my girlfriend is a huge fan (not going to say what team but they are the scots champs again [:D]) but i'll go to the pub and shout when needed when watching a game with her

    and ny girlfriend HATES my car but enjoys going round knockhill in it

    at the end of the day it's all about compromise

    everybody has different things that they'll like and want to do, this is a part of what makes us so appealing to each other, aint it ?????


    find a balance, by all means keep the car BUT do something for her too

  7. i`ll be waiting at the hair pin with my trusty camera watching for some sideways action from ya imy [;)]

    Just keep the engine running pal, make it easier to get out the way as she comes hurtling towards you at a fair rate of knots.

    Don't know who is more nervous about Sat, Imy for her first time out on track in her loverly wee car or me knowing its Imy's first time out on Knockhill in a 290bhp STI RA with nutters like Wilky and co overtaking her at warp factor 15 sideways down Duffes. 

     A plea to all people going on track on Sat morn

     Please be careful out there as i want her back in one piece, people can be operated on in hospital and new body parts can be farmed in Cambodia but V-Limited's are getting rarer by the day..............................JOKING BABE



    try and not worry toooo much grant


    and you too imy [;)]

    i'm sure everything will go as planned, as long as it stays dry that is [:P]

    dunk, get ready with that camera bud as i funcy another 360 [;)][:|]

  8. if u dont mind spending at bit more money on tyres, go for goodyear eagle f1's. there amazingly good.

     yep, next tyres for me will be a set of the f1's,  had them on most of the cars i have had and are a great all rounder

  9. theres one or two folk that aint put our names down for this as working offshore we dont know if we can make this or not

    we dont want to be seen to be putting our names down for every event going and the pulling out at the last hour

    if here i will be way up for it as i've missed out on the other runs, last one i was on was nov 2005 [:D]


  10. i've got my up and down pipe done, also have a turbo blanket (just to keep it all nice and tucked up [:D])

    the thinking is to get as much of the hot gasses out and flowing out of the zorst and not just sit and build up in the engine bay

    talked to the chaps at AWD about this, deffo get the stuff wet before putting it on,

    was told theres and after spray you put on to keep the wrap at it's best for as long as poss,

    this is the part i cant remember,

    i dont know if you spary it on when it's still wet or after it's dry

    i'm sure that someone can point you in the right direction

  11. Yeah, seems to be dying out I guess. I wave to all Scoobs (even Classics) and get little in return. Funnily enough, I get more nods from bikers!

     funny you should say that, last summer was out for a wee play and passed a number of bikers just getting ready to head off from a lay by in one of our great roads

    a GOOD while later i decided to turn off at a shop or something and the same bikers came thundering up the road,

    the guy at the front recognises me from before and gives a nod

    fair play i thought and gives him a wee wave

    all of out just enjoying the road [H]






  12. I think he's scared Steve [6]666[6] LOL

    ROTFLMAO [:'(]

    Scared? What does this word mean Rich? Is it related to fear, i have also heard this word, but i know not what it means [:)]

    ask simmie about his pax with craig at knockers

    he can vouch on this [:|]



    sorry for the thread hijack

  13. I sense a race!

    The mighty blue thunder vs The yet to prove itself Scientific Spooler


    Scientific Spooler ?  where did that one come from ??? LOL  [:)][:D]

    i think it would be a close thing, the lighter car (with me AP 6 pots) SHOULD be better on late braking on the corners

    just depends on how large me sacks are on the day i suppose [:D]


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