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Everything posted by AllenJ

  1. well after this i'm a bit worried about talking to granby now[]. And with a smile[] I'd be worried as well [] Somebody please tell me who this Granby is. []
  2. What do you expect binding Markie, Granby, Dean, Pele, Tony, HOL, Trevor etc... all together LOL. [:'(] [] Jokes apart, nothing personal if your question doesn't get answered, it might be that peeps don't know the answer or the title did not reflect the content, hence it wasn't checked. I seldom go on forums and when i do i only filter through titles that are catching. No time to be a forum wh*re, unlike some of my very good friends... cough..cough... I honestly wouldn't worry about changing my aftershave if i were you, i hope that makes you feel better. I find most KentScoobies members cool and approachable, Pele, is 'kinda' small, you can pick her up and carry her to your car to answer one or two questions. You might end up with a black eye though. [] LOL
  3. Dill H - est.280bhp - 422bhp/377lbs/ft Stuart Knight - est.350bhp - 390bhp/347lbs/ft Hol - est.390bhp - 371bhp/362lbs/ft Ade - est.320bhp - 355bhp/323lbs/ft Thanx once again for organising this. Car: MY04STi, Mods: H&S Full decat Exhaust System, All the Zero Sports Cooling Aids: including N1 panel filter, Air Intake Pipe, Cool Thermo, Radiator Fin, Rad cap etc..., Walbro Fuel Pump 255L and a custom ECUTEK ReMap by Paul @ Zen performance. Well pleased. Smiff99 - est.330bhp - 355bhp/312lbs/ft Neilo - est.365bhp - 349bhp/347lbs/ft JohnD - no est. - 341bhp/309lbs/ft V5 Man (Evo VI) - est.290bhp - 340bhp/289lbs/ft Scogsy WRX - no est. - 339bhp/334lbs/ft XR Wayne - est.280bhp - 330bhp/312lbs/ft.......... Well i was very pleased with the power figures i got today.Had a nice power curve and the guys at PE said it was very well setup and was very happy with it - I would of been happy with about 280-300bhp so 330bhp has left a bigger grin...Thanks again to the team that set today up. Paul WRX - est.309bhp - 327bhp/321lbs/ft Rob Cannon (Evo VI) - est.270bhp - 326bhp/314lbs/ft Loony Bin - est.290bhp - 325bhp/305lbs/ft Anger - est.320bhp - 325bhp/285lbs/ft Madras - est.330bhp - 322bhp/356lbs/ft Wayne - est.330bhp - 322bhp/???lbs/ft Rincage - est.300bhp - 316bhp/312lbs/ft STi 6 (the grey one). Very happy with my figures - especially the torque. Car is standard apart from exhaust (sports cat and magnex centre section and back box), filter, uprated fuel pump, and Andy Forrest remap. Nice to know my little old classic has the same performance figures as a brand new out the factory STi Le Barren - est.320bhp - 312bhp/285lbs/ft swtmerce - est.300bhp - 302bhp/256lbs/ft Hi Pele. Yep, I'm the one with the oversize coat hanger in my mouth I was so happy because I had only owned my car for 200 miles when she blew her big end bearings back in July. Since she was rebuilt I've been paranoid about detonation amongst other things. Anyway Iain said she was fuelling spot on, there wasn't even a tinkle of det and she was running very sweet. Before she blew she was rolling roaded at 304 bhp/250 lb/ft so I was very happy with today's 302 bhp. More importantly, I've gained a whole load of torque low down in the rev range. All credit to 22B Andy who rebuilt the motor. Thanks for organising the day! Scoots - est.270bhp - 297bhp/296lbs/ft Cheesy_555 - est.275bhp - 293bhp/263lbs/ft T123VOR - est.280bhp - 289bhp/306lbs/ft Loony Toon - est.275bhp - 285bhp/288lbs/ft Liam Jameson - est.270bhp - 280bhp/315lbs/ft ScoobyPod - est.240bhp - 279bhp/267lbs/ft Scoobywhite74 - est.275bhp - 269bhp/275lbs/ft Squadron Leader - est.250bhp - 269bhp/250lbs/ft Tyron - no est. - 267bhp/268lbs/ft Moo (Mazda RX 7) - est.260bhp - 251bhp/204lbs/ft Andy_C 28 - est.260bhp - 249bhp/253lbs/ft Big Jay - est.240bhp - 224bhp/270lbs/ft Prodrive Tony - est.230bhp - 219bhp/219lbs/ft Gem (Corolla T-sport) - est.190bhp - 201bhp/146lbs/ft Claire Upton (Fiesta ST150) - est.150bhp - 153bhp/147lbs/ft
  4. Thanx guys for organising this.
  5. Any convoys planned for this? Does the car need any TLC before the abuse, or the TLC comes afterwards? Are any checks necessary prior to the rollers? Many thanx.
  6. Pele i have sent you my stats if that counts. []
  7. Time slots: 9.00 - 10.00 1. Deani_age 2. Q-Dog (that way ive got longer to fix it when it goes bang) 3. Loony Toon 4. Jay mA 5. swtmerce 10.00 - 11.00 6. cheesey_555 7. Andy_C 28 8. Stuart Knight 9. Prodrive Tony 10. Mickyw 11.00 - 12.00 11. T123VOR 12. Stuart Page 13. Dunks 14. Scoobywhite74 15. 12.00 - 1.00 16. Dill H 17. Scoots 18. Big Jay 19. Squadron-Leader 20. Ade' 1.00 - 2.00 21. JohnD 22. 23. Ty 24. 25. 2.00 - 3.00 26. 27. 28. 29. Pele (so I'm free to boss everyone about for the day) 30. V5 MAN (Evo 6) As you add your name to a time slot, please pm or email me with the following: Forum name & usual name, car reg, colour & model, your e-mail addy & phone number, anyone not supplying these as they add to a time slot will be removed until they do. The info stays with me and does not get passed on to anyone else, it just enables me to find the car and the owner on the day so everything runs smoothly. If you are not around within your time slot, you will be put in the next available time slot, and anyone racing up and down the road will be put to the end of the list as PE's neighbouring businesses tend to call the Police if this happens.
  8. Never taught tarts wore knickers. []
  9. 1. Pele2. Loony Toon 3. Deani-age 4. Q-Dog 5. T123vor 6. Antz 7. Steveee 8. Scoots 9. Shiralee 10. Giblets 11. HOL 12. scoobywhite74 13. Paul WRX 14. Anger 15. Neilo 16. cheesey_555 17. Andy_C 28 18. JohnD 19. JohnD 20. JohnD 21. JohnD - No, it's not me being an idiot, I've got 3 other likely candidates! 22. V5 Man (Evo 6) 23. Stuart Page 24. Dill H 25. Jay m A 26. Ty 27. madras 28. Ade (TBC)
  10. Nice decals, very nice indeed. I saw your car parked up in Dartford on sunday night.
  11. Hi Trevor, I had mine de-catted a few weeks ago @ Xtreme Scoobies, H&S as well. With the cel fix in place i had no problems, just the odd boast spikes now and again. Had it mapped today and sweeeeeeet!!!!! Whistle? Could be the air filter. I guess.
  12. PMSL ....... Now that is one mean MF.
  13. Sorry to hear that Ian. Just to let you know the personal plate i bought in 2003 from DVLA is still up for sale on newreg My advise is to search for the plate on the DVLA site before buying elsewhere. TBH, i found it cheaper and safer buying from DVLA. Good luck
  14. Well done guys. You'll now be able to keep the leash on Warby. []
  15. All 'crossables' are crossed for you pal. Good luck.
  16. Slap on the wrist and police paperwork charges + court charges. No points.
  17. Good luck m8ty.
  18. You have been cheered. Chin up fella. It is well.
  19. Sorry to hear that my ol'friend. I hope it all goes well for you and i will consult the african oracle on your behalf. Your file might get lost or someone might develop amnesia. Good luck.
  20. Whaooooo Sorry to hear this guys. Glad you are ok my lil' one. Damn, that was sosme serious stuff. Hope it gets sorted soon. Ade et famille
  21. << Hope to see you all at the scooby fest Ade. Merry xmas to you, Ronnie and Elisha. All the best John Nicky and Graihagh >> Same to you Nicky. Lil' one is Elise.
  22. << Evening All - Evening Ade - Welcome to the Darkside of the SIDC >> Don't i just love the dark side. Thanx Ed. How did it go ScoobyLove?
  23. Loving this kent scoobies trend... Markie went pink in the summer Dean has gone blue in the winter Pele will go RED in the spring Granby will probably choose ORANGE for next summer. Purple anyone? Mark i'm cool man. I touch goats.
  24. Nice weekend anybody? Good luck for monday scoobylove, don't forget to look them straight in the eyes when answering questions, even if you haven't got the slightest clue.
  25. I thought as a friend of the club, i'll bring to your attention that Dean aka Scoobytoo, has gone BLUE. Before we know he'll be listening to blues and watching blue movies in a blue bedroom with blue lights. NB: Paramedics are standing by. Jokes apart, that is cool man.
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