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Everything posted by Boyakasha

  1. Yeah but I'll do the training on my little Italian number first, no chance I'll be practicing on the X3. I can just see it now, "Umm Russell, I've accidently stipped the paint off the bonnet of the car "
  2. that's what I like to see, a man sacrificing work for the cause Myself (Boyakasha) Carl (Carl Davey) Mark (Power Junkie) Duncan (DuncATR) Iain (scoobyiain) Dunc (Ac!D) Ok folks that's it
  3. OK, great news guys. Andy has confirmed with me that he will be coming up on the 12th and 13th November to map our cars. Andy can do 3 cars a day as he is only traveling one way, so far we have 5 full remaps so there is one place left. Current people confirmed are Myself (Boyakasha) Carl (Carl Davey) Mark (Power Junkie) Duncan (DuncATR) Iain (scoobyiain)
  4. Iain have you done yours yet, if you want I can do them for you in exchange for some guru PC training
  5. Dale wouldn't take my car to the guy on south deeside after they offered to wipe down my brand new car that was covered in dust/dirt when I went to pick it up after having a new bumper fitted. That was about 4 years ago. The guy in Stonehaven who Craig had used is Raymond at Pro trim and I have heard nothing but good reports about him.
  6. Cal shut the stable door mate, I'm not stupid. I am just putting the names down of the people that need something done. I have already asked those involved to PM me with their requirements, I'll speak to Andy, no point every man and his dog calling him about the same thing. I called this morning but you must have been out, I'll try again.
  7. Guys DuncATR suggested that we make sure Russell has time to fit all the bits etc. So for those of us that are getting him to do work on their cars before the mapping need to PM me with exactly what is getting done etc so we can get a schedule of work sorted so that Russell can sort himself out. Cheers Marc
  8. I did, I spoke to Andy a couple of days ago so I should know what he is able to do. Just read my original post "At present we have 3 takers, Me, PowerJunkie and DuncATR so we just need 1 more to make it worth while to get Andy up for 2 days."
  9. Cool Guys, I'll call Andy tomorrow to confirm, I guess it will be the 2 of these days 11/12/13 November. So we have; Me Mark Duncan Carl Russell Cal
  10. Craig thanks for this but Andy will actually only map 2 cars if he is traveling up to Aberdeen and back down the road on the same day
  11. Dunk don't think we could push it till then, Mark's (Power Junkie) car is going to be finished about the 10th and needs to be mapped soon after, and Russell is away on the 20th.
  12. No I don't touch goats but you have mail Who made that anyway.
  13. Sure is Cal I'm sure Andy could fit you in on one of the days to do this
  14. Folks we are looking to get AndyF up to map a couple of cars locally around the 12th November. This is in accordance with the GB currently ongoing. At present we have 3 takers, Me, PowerJunkie and DuncATR so we just need 1 more to make it worth while to get Andy up for 2 days. There will be an additional charge getting Andy up and this will be confrimed once we have another taker etc. Cheers Marc
  15. Ali if you interested I'm looking to get one of these bad boys off eBay, they are the dogz doo daas http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...A:IT&ih=004
  16. The STi better be something special or the guys over at MLR will be wetting themselves
  17. Kenwood 7029 Headunit + Bluetooth Adapter + iPod Video Adapter, infinity/focal speakers and you're laughing.
  18. I didn't want to say it, but you got there before me Well good luck in Aladin's Cave
  19. Yeah that doesn't sound dodgy much, wink wink nudge nudge. If it's so good then just publicise the place for all to benefit
  20. Dale get the beard grown back mate, you looked far too young that night
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