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Posts posted by Boyakasha

  1. Sorry rossyboy, as usual threads decend into total chaos face-icon-small-wink.gif . Must admit I am partly to blame face-icon-small-blush.gif

    I'll try and get it back on track face-icon-small-smile.gif For a proper Subaru Service with stamps and all, I would try Fiskens down in Forfar, that is who a lot of us are using as they are very good and their prices are excellent. I also use Russell at BHP Developments for my 6 monthly oil changes and any other modifications I need. Hope this helps.


  2. << what happened to Jules car then? Wooosh >>

    Clutch was smoked face-icon-small-sad.gif , too many mental launches at Alford I think face-icon-small-wink.gif

    It's a shame as I was really hoping to see if the TSL 333 would make the figures. There is a lot of guys who have had this done and say they are getting about 330bhp and about 310 ftlf Torque but there has been a fair bit of sceptisism around the numbers and the rollers that they have come from.

    Jools hope you get this sorted soon m8, AP on the way? How about a lighter flywheel while you're at it. would make a big difference in acceleration face-icon-small-happy.gif

    I think Gavin, Russell and Neil did a great job on Sunday, after having all the teething problems with the rollers it all came good.

  3. Change of Driving partner, my m8 Dave is coming now instead of Joanne.

    1. Jools

    2. JohnS

    3. PaulM

    4. Bryan Philip

    5. YoungKP

    6. Ken Ross

    7. BKS6

    8. Tim W - Scottish Elises

    9. Ali Crozier - Scottish Elises

    10. Uldis - Scottish Elises

    11. CT

    12. CT junior

    13. Ian Ross

    14. Kevin Low

    15. Alisdair Considine

    16. Brendan Watt

    17. Friend of Brendan Watt

    18. Stu Pollock - Scottish Elises

    19. Boyakasha (Marc)

    20. Dave (Marc's Friend)

    21. Gavin Wallace

    22. Jill (Gavin's Girlfriend)

  4. Hi Russ, looking forward to Sunday. I'll be poping in tonight as I believe Gav has some goodies for me.

    As Russ said, if you tape the mudflaps up at the front then they will not catch. Need good tape and make sure under your sills/Mudflaps are clean and dry so the tape will stick. It's not a lot of effort that could save you some grief face-icon-small-smile.gif

    PS Look out for Russ, he likes to run big power under disguise face-icon-small-wink.gif


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