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Derek FKS 85

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Everything posted by Derek FKS 85

  1. The guy behind the bar came to clear the table after you guys had left and said that it's nice to have another owners club use the place, seemingly the Porsche club use it the last Friday in every month! Liked the curry idea! It was good puting faces to silly names!!
  2. Well, just washed the Scoob for tomorrow night. You watch the b......s will grit the roads tonight!!
  3. Yep, looking forward to it too, my mate Kenny will be there with his white one, (it's for sale) so Pedro you can add him to your list.
  4. I don't know Derek but it'll be OK at that time of night surely. Bring her anyway she can colour in the speed camera!
  5. Is this on everyone??? Seems to have been a bit quiet on this thread recently. I don't want to be caught by the Police hanging about in car parks on my own for no good reason.
  6. 7pm's fine for us Pedro although we may be 5 or 10 mins late. I touch goats.
  7. Next Friday is fine by me, there will be another one too which might just be for sale by then. Anyone looking for a mint white 98MY with low miles and 285 BHP..bring your cheque book!! What sort of time then?
  8. That would probably be best as it's right underneath a speed camera!!!
  9. I'll have a go at that thank you, that's if I'm invited ofcourse.
  10. Whore.
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