A very good friend on mine's daughter was involved in a fatal road accident last week. She hit another vehicle head on in town. The driver had to be taken to hospital but has since been released.
Fortunately, she will eventually be OK but had to be cut out of the wreckage of her Racing Puma.
Tragically she killed her passenger, a long time friend who was 19.
Please think about this and what she will have to live with for the rest of her live. Think about this before you do excessive speed in town.
I see too many 18 and 19 year olds in Saxo's Corsa's etc. doing in excess of 60 and 70 mph down my street, hunched over the wheel with no belts on.
I do like to think the Impreza drivers are a lot more respectful of what can happen, but I've also seen some driven at ridiculous speeds in town.
Sorry to sound so dramatic but what happened to this girl is real. If you know anyone who does speed excessively in town tell them about this and ask them to take two minutes to think about how they would be feeling right now if they killed someone. Someones son, daughter, sister or brother.