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Lil' Miss Scooby

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Everything posted by Lil' Miss Scooby

  1. Today me and my m8 were sad [:$] we got the songwords on the internet and sang to the mp3 version [:$] o well lol []
  2. Alrighty then lol, guess magazines wern't saying " the coolest new looks" at them then[]
  3. AWWWW *[:'(]* P1 'ere you come , []but will i get to see the pinky???
  4. Sorry to hear that Jenni, glad you are ok tho' []
  5. Just thought a Pink P1. Mental.....[] Good thought[] but it wouldnt keep its value as much []
  6. Awww can't you look for a replacement before the key change???
  7. Hope that ya get it sorted soon m8
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