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Everything posted by edmondo

  1. I know - occasionally I get these urges
  2. I knew you would be in agreement
  3. also its only 18.4 extra BHP we have to find
  4. good idea - tell them I will come along and eat them if they do not comply .................and 300 BHP is far more important than fixing some poxy planes
  5. tell them you cant go cos you gotta work on an important car
  6. you have done the northern hemisphere so now it must be the southern lol
  7. I was thinking more like New Zealand
  8. surely its got to be 3rd time lucky lol
  9. ok next weekend it is then mate...............Saturday ok?....................just tried to upload piccies of my sheets ( Jacqui has ) - just found that both of us only has 500k of photospace so on the case with that now............apparantly photobucket playing up!
  10. Not mine you daft old fool.................Jacqui's Aunt................I am next weekend however as its Easter I would have thought you would have family stuff
  11. gotta 70th Birthday to go to tomorrow.................in bloomin Bristol.........so tied up............thanks mate
  12. I suspect that we will be able to be there..............just gotta see what the next couple of weeks bring - me workwise that is
  13. I have - hard copy only.....................no scanner at mo though
  14. Gutted no cameras and I didnt see it....................roll on the next one
  15. .......................bloomin hell - well done mate................mine was just as nice
  16. ah we got there in the end .............next weekend is Easter so what about the weekend after?
  17. Do I take it you might volunteer for this mission?
  18. I was asking for your opinion - if you know a guruish type person
  19. can you?????????.............I thought I was being subtle
  20. Do you know anyone that my have any expertise on these things????????????????
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