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Everything posted by Johnny50

  1. I never had any problems when i ran my small plate. I guess Lothian & Borders Police turned a blind eye.
  2. Fantastic effort to all involved. Well done. Is there an Edinburgh Santa Cruise this year ?
  3. Welcome back Iain.
  4. Commute aint that bad, but it sees a fair bit of driving outside work too. Yep, Fabia vRS. Good fun.
  5. Unfortunately, i'm already spending £55 a week on fuel...and thats with an economical car. Would be more than twice that in the Impreza.
  6. Loving the Audi Cal. I swapped to Derv too. I'm currrently sitting at 183bhp/316ft.lb in my wee Fabia. My daily commute sees 59mpg Still miss the scoob though.
  7. I'm sure some of the early Classic WRX estates came as an Auto ?? Worth looking into.
  8. And me and Kart_man work next door so you can have a cuppa whilst you wait ! Dont think CLCM would do the rest of the mods though, only the geo.
  9. And to think i just sold my W plate wagon for £2800 a few months ago ! You could've had that as a run around.
  10. Never had any trouble with my trusty old Sierra eh Grant ?[]
  11. Do we have a list of results ?
  12. Not at all... Just need to get my gay bum doon leith to save up for the job ! []
  13. [H] No worries at all Iain. Thanks for popping by this morning. []
  14. So this shiny car is the reason you didn't turn up yesterday Iain. [:'(] []
  15. Have to say, i found it rather amusing as i passed you going the other way on the A1 this morning (around 8.30)...you must've been sitting at around 45mph !
  16. The guy stays up at Beil. Hows tricks Gordy ?
  17. Cheers Franko... Typical, i move within half a mile of AndyF's place, and i go sell up...lol Will catch you soon Johnny
  18. Cheers Willie. Mulv was round last week seeing as he's round the corner now. Was planning the 'tree on saturday but not sure what time i'll get back up the road tomorrow. Catch you soon matey.
  19. You could've had my wagon....lol Only wanted 3k for it.
  20. Ooh forgot about that Andy...Any plans on what you're gonna go for ? I went sensible and got an Octavia vRS.
  21. Aye..had to be done though. Still, i will return to Subaru ownership in the future.
  22. Sure does ! [:'(] Although...the new car does have a turbo (and it's not even a diesel) []
  23. Well, as of tonight the Wagon will be with it's new owner. I drop it off after tea time. Sad to see it go, but have different prioritys these days, so a more sensible car bekons. (although i did leave a deposit for something silly a month or so back, but pulled out) Will still try and pop along to as many meets as i can, in the last 6 months i've got a new baby daughter..new house....new job...so it's all change. Hopefully the new owner will appear on here..the car is staying in East Lothian (Dunbar) so some of the yocals may spot it. Am sure i'll get back into Impreza ownership in the future though. []
  24. Congrats folks... Best feeling in the world ! []
  25. Frank has a DBM classic, so wont be him either. James, will be in Sycamore Ave.
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