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Posts posted by scoobykev

  1. ... i've just got broadband, granted its the slowest one but what a difference over dial up.  

    The joys of living out in the sticks, getting the inside toilet fitted next week[;)]

    going to sit down tonight and watch all the car video clips[;)]



  2. The roads in and around Dundee just now are a nightmare, my works van is slidding all over the place (its not my driving), can't get away from junctions without the wheels spinning into 2nd gear.

    I heard today that they are adding a substance in with the grit/salt to make it stick to the road better to melt the ice, this stuff is basically like an animal fat but once the ice has gone, it stays on the road.

    Anybody heard of this before? or is it my driving thenface-icon-small-blush.gif


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