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Everything posted by scoobyfuzzy

  1. note sur how to use the buddie thing in the game or id send neil a message saying we cant get in
  2. cant get back in, keeps saying current session closed fuzzy
  3. where did u install the file? as i said mine didnt work fuzzy
  4. yeah, i was getting that bout half hour ago fuzzy
  5. gotta wait till the other 1 is finished downloading then, 3 hours still to go, got the alfa 147 cars installed, best time ao far round knockers 1.04, got that evo and scoob downloaded earlier, just keep getting mas errors, dunno why thou fuzzy
  6. dont think im gonna have the HRC patch installed anytime soon, take ages to download, nearly 10 hours to go, but there was 2 different HRC patches, 1 at 92MB and the other at 252 MB, the 92mb 1 has finished, but do i need both them? fuzzy
  7. grant i was getting .mas errors last nite, it was because the patch file had been put into the game twice, i deleted 1 n it ran fine, check urs mack sure uv not copied them twice fuzzy
  8. no probs, should be a few of us on it 2morro nite anyway, bye for now fuzzy
  9. ok, will look for it the now fuzzy
  10. cant find sidc on the servers list, it aint showing up. have u found it? fuzzy
  11. didnt take much to twist ur arm, did it. lol just goin onto it the now, ma name on it should be fuzzy fuzzy
  12. last post was directed ur way, clicked wrong button. lol fuzzy
  13. u still in the now, will be on in 5 if u wanna race fuzzy
  14. ok mate no probs, just downloading a load of stuff for the game the now, will be a long nite, thank god im on holiday just now. lol, see ya the morra. fuzzy
  15. oh grant forgot to say, 48 secs was in the sauber f1 car. lol. but im still improving with the other cars. lol fuzzy
  16. "Insert" on the keyboard changes the view, you can change the buttoons in payer settings and the click the box next to controls Judder may be damage, not sure bro never had the Judder Get a DFP wheel from Ebay for much cheapness, extra top ice cream fun with a wheel and peddles Fuzzy, thats the spirit.....Knockers tomorrow night then.....HRC patch is next then the V8factor....HRC is the Grp[ B cars with a superb 15 mile long hill climb track....V8factor is Aussie V8 Touring cars with Bathurst.......then u got to get the Nordshclieffe tourist track and try and beat Cals time ok grant, no probs, il download them tonite or tomorrow morning, il be on msn tomorrow nite, so just send me a message when ur ready for knockers. fuzzy
  17. 48 secs round knockhill, beat that mr squirrel. lol fuzzy
  18. finally got knockhill installed, ma unzipping program wasnted unzipping all the files, changed to winzip, n now i got knockhill installed, best time so far is a 1.06 in vayline venom, gonna download some cars, n see how i can improve, but now im all for an online battle fuzzy
  19. i cant get anything iv downloaded to install properly, dont seem to be getting all the files, im away to unistall the game and install it again, then see wot happens fuzzy
  20. just found another website for downloading stuff for the game, www.simracingworld.com fuzzy
  21. just tried to get on the server there, but obviously cant because i cant get the knockhill patch put in the game, just comes up incompatible game data fuzzy
  22. Was on the Knockhill SIDC server for a while F1 cars are a bit frightening round there, kept getting .mas error on the Audi and S4 so i had a scoot about in the F1 car Fuzzy, i get all my cars and tracks from www.rfactorcentral.com yeah grant noticed them on that site just after i posted, knockhill still not working, still not getting all the files, n i cant find knockhill on that other site fuzzy
  23. grant where r u getting all these different cars? also, just downloading that knockhill file the now, hopefully this 1 will work, get a few practice laps in then ready to race. also grant, see if i get an incomplete file again, u fancy sending me the files im missing on msn, if its no trouble, n doesnt take too long? fuzzy
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