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Posts posted by sma01

  1. Got some BF DEFI'S(boost,oil press and temp,Controller Etc :rotfl: ) and Pod coming next week, need them fitting, any reccommendations in the Lanarkshire Area????? I have the "Garage" in Wishaw(dont know what they are like).

    Would also pay if anyone fancies fitting them for me, as long as they get done correctly i do not mind who does it, heard it is a simple job but i am as technically minded as cheese,lol

    Thanks in advance :driving:


    take it to dunc at hypertech in bonnybridge mate...


  2. I think the only footage I ever posted was some crap stuff around the backroads ? regardless I still think it's shnae too bad. I think it was from about 2006

    When I retire I'll make a 3 hour SIDC epic with the near terrabytes worth of footage I have

    "I'll make ya famous !"


    p.s anyone remember the Mad March Run footage ? It was epic.

    i remember the old vids, there was 1 from kh with dunc at hypertechs civic when it had the supercharger on it that was quite good as well.....

  3. Scottie - I still have footage of this slag at Knockhill - I'll see if I can dig it out because the sound/ acceleration was the shiznick !!!

    Are you "aff it" in terms of getting into modding n' cars again ?



    that would be good if you could find that cal, i can remember seeing your footage the first time you posted it up here...the car has changed quite a bit since then, sometimes wonder if would have been better leaving it how it was back then as it went really well....

    not sure what route to go down next, cant see me going daft modding again though.....need to be sensible for a change.lol


  4. You know you will. From what I have heard you have spent a ton of money on it not to mention all the effort that has been put in.

    more money been flung at this thing than i care to even think about, and you are right, the effort matches the cash input :)

  5. Iremember you :lol: but you wont remember me! I spoke to you at Hypertech couple of years ago - I think your car was in for a 2.5 conversion... can't remember what I was there for, droplinks for something - can't remember.

    Good luck with the sale. It might help to post the SN link on here too mate.


    recognise the name mate....cant believe thats been 2 years already......

    peter fai17 posted link in the for sale section for me... ;)

  6. So how come your breaking it then mate?

    Its a very new car to be breaking... you should still get better money selling complete than you should by breaking it...?

    cant afford to keep paying out money on it unfortunately, with the amount of after market parts on it its worth more in bits than it is to sell as a whole, the way the market has gone the price to sell it complete is unbelievable, as i'm sure gav would verify.... :thumbup:

  7. wow yeah hello stranger!

    stranger indeed...hows it going??its been so long since ive been on here that i hardly recognise any of the names, and they wont even recognise me :thumbup:

    the last time i was on here me and swiggi were in the earlyish stages of going mod crazy.lol


  8. be interested to hear how you get on mate, 1 of my wheels has been damaged while the cars been away and want to get it repaired for it going back on the road. Am staying clear of powder coating, my dad recently had a wheel refurb on his audi, by a "specialist" recommended to him by the audi dealer, and the job was terrible....

  9. Dunc has done a load of work for me over the years and the service is always first class, he is always busy, morning, noon and even late at night and usually weekends as well. it sounds like a small oversight, and although it took you a couple of hours, he still got the job done for you and fitted you in the day you were meant to be done when he could have easily have sent you on your way since he didnt have the booking marked in the diary...easiest way to get in touch with him is by phone, if he's not there then ask alex to book you in....


  10. think i spoke to you when you were in seeing dunc on thursday mate, glad to see you got a good result....

    could you let me know the name of the bodyshop you used?going to see about getting the front end of my car re-done...


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